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The Essential team

Contribute code to Essentials

Essentials is a open source GitHub project, contributing code to Essentials should be easy to anyone with a basic understanding of Java. If you are new to open source projects, or just haven't used GitHub before, we recommend reading this guide.

Most code contributions come from people who have come across some functionality or feature in-game they had the desire to fix, but if you are looking for ideas you can always check our out ticket system.

Join the team

There are many features to be added to Essentials, so we are looking for new developers to help us out.

Developers should have an understanding of the Java programming language, and have contributed a couple of pull requests to Essentials in the past. If you are interested please contact KHobbits or Snowleo on our IRC/Help channel.

Help translate Essentials

To help translate Essentials visit: