
[Supported] Configs - 1.2

Upgrading from v1.1 or below? Lots of things have changed in the configs!


(Located in the plugins/EquestrianDash folder)

# --- CONFIG START --- #

# Metrics help me learn who is using the plugin. Your anonymous statistics are sent to telling us basic
# but not identifying information. If you'd like to opt out, set this as disabled.
MetricsEnabled: true

# Are we editing the level now or playing it? (By default, this is "true" so you can edit stuff.)
EditMode: true

# What should we do if someone is not playing?
  ForceSpectate: true
  ForceKick: false

# -- End-of-race settings.
  EndAfter: 2 # After how many racers should we end the game?
    Enabled: true # Run the /restart command after the race?
    Delay: 200 # How many ticks until the /restart command is called? (1 second = 20 ticks)

# -- CountDown settings.
# Specify from where the countdown should start before the map is chosen.
# Write "false" or "true" in the RandomPick box depending on if you want the map to be randomly chosen.
# Players can always vote for the "random" option.
# Also choose when the players should be told the time before the race start
# with "WarnAt. "StartTime" is NOT to be confused with "CountTo" because "StartTime"
# refers to the time that eslapses between the player mounting a horse and then the race beginning.
  RandomPick: false
  CountTo: 30
  StartTime: 10
  - 15
  - 10
  - 5
  - 3
  - 2
  - 1

# -- Player settings.
# You can set your max players without this plugin.

  # Minimum players to start a game.
  MinPlayers: 2

# Where should our lobby be? (world,x,y,z,pitch,yaw)
Lobby: world,0,128,0,0.00000,0.00000

# Should we avoid telling everyone who has voted for what map?
AnonymousVotes: false

InvSpinSound: NOTE_PLING # Also try NOTE_PIANO. Check out the full list of SOUNDs:
# Powerup config.

  ReplaceOld: false
  PickupCooldown: 100 # How long should you wait to be able to pick up another powerup? Miliseconds (1s = 1000ms) not ticks.

    Enabled: true # Should this be used as a default powerup?
    Title: '&d&lJump Powerup' # The powerup's name (will shop up in the item's title)
    Material: 'RABBIT_FOOT' # The material for the powerup. Full list of Materials:
    Amount: 3
    Chance: 2 # The amount of times the powerup is entered into the powerup chooser. Higher = less frequent. For math nerds: Frequency = rank / chance.
      MultiplyX: 2
      MultiplyY: 1
      MultiplyZ: 2
      AddY: 1
    Enabled: true
    Title: '&f&lSpeed Powerup'
    Material: 'SUGAR'
    Chance: 2
    Length: 60 # NOTE: Length is in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second.
    Amplifier: 2 # i.e "2" would be the equivelant to "Speed II" - If NMS is enabled, this can have a decimal (i.e. 1.5)
    Enabled: true
    Title: '&c&lTNT Powerup'
    Material: 'TNT'
    Chance: 2
      ThrowAheadEnabled: true
      ThrowAheadTicks: 60
      ThrowAheadMultiplier: 2.5
      ThrowBehindEnabled: true
      ThrowBehindTicks: 40
    Enabled: true
    Title: '&a&lSlime Minions Powerup'
    Material: 'SLIME_BALL'
    Chance: 3
    RemoveAfter: 100 # Remove slimes after how many ticks? 1 second = 20 ticks.
    Enabled: true
    Title: '&9&lArrow Powerup'
    Material: 'ARROW'
    Chance: 2
    Enabled: true
    Title: '&b&lIce Powerup'
    Material: 'PACKED_ICE'
    Chance: 3
    DelayInTicks: 30 # Detonation delay in ticks. 1 second = 20 ticks.
    DespawnTime: 70  # How long until the ice despawns.
    Breakable: true # Should the ice sphere be breakable with r/l click?
      Height: 5 # How tall should the ice sphere be in blocks? ...This doesn't exactly work that well
      Radius: 5 # How tall should the radius be?
      Enabled: true
      Multiplier: 2
      DelayInTicks: 30
    Enabled: true
    Title: '&8&lWither Powerup'
    SpeedMultiplier: 2
    # No material setting.
    Chance: 2
    Enabled: true
    Material: 'BLAZE_ROD'
    Chance: 4
    Title: '&f&lLightning Powerup'
    Force: 1 # Explosion size.
    Range: 5 # How many blocks out should this reach?
    YOffset: -3
    ThrowAheadMultiplier: 2.5 # Go ahead and set it to 0 if you want to disable it. I won't.
    Enabled: true
    Title: '&7&lThief Powerup'
    # No chance settings. It's engineered to give you it more commonly if you're in a middle place.
    Enabled: true
    Title: '&6&lTrollkin Powerup'
    Material: 'PUMPKIN'
    Chance: 4
      Length: 200
      Power: 5
      PumpkinHelmet: true
    Enabled: true
    Title: '&c&lFire Charge Powerup'
    Material: 'FIREBALL'
    Chance: 2
      FirePerTick: 5 # The amount of time between each fire block placed
      Speed: 1.5 # Change to 1 for default speed.
      DespawnAfter: 20 # Amount of time fire should last after all have been placed.
      MaxPlaced: 10 # How many blocks of fire to place

# --- CONFIG END --- #


# ======================================= #
#                  TRACK                  #
#                  DATA                   #
# ======================================= #

# This config contains all the data relating to a track.
# There are a bunch of settings here for maximum
# flexibility. But only mess around with the things you
# need to or you might just break something!

# Here's something rather simple. The TrackName. Choose
# something cool, but don't make it too long. Example
# names: Dry Dry Ruins, Moo-Moo's Farm, Rocky Mountain.
# Choose wisely!

TrackName: 'My Track'

# NMS stands for "Net.Minecraft.Server." NMS code is
# great for developers because it lets us do things
# that you can't just do with the Bukkit API, such
# as modifying specific mob attriubutes. The only
# way to modify the Horse's speed (other than with
# a speed potion is through NMS. There is a catch
# however. NMS can usually break with EVERY Minecraft
# update. :( If you don't care about the horse's
# speeds, you can go ahead and leave this disabled.

# !! NOTE: This issue has been "fixed" for v1.2.
# EquestrianDash now uses Reflection, a system that
# allows the plugin to adapt to the version with
# some simple version checks. Please note, it is
# not a guaranteed fix. Sometimes, major things
# are changed in the structure of NMS that may
# require some changes.

  Enabled: true
  MaxHorseSpeed: 0.225

# What is the number of the marker with the LARGEST number?
# If 0, the game will count the number of markers instead.
Markers: 0

# Actually it's more like a cube but whatever.
MarkerCheckRadius: 7 # Blocks

# You can set the raceline ingame with the /ed line1
# and /ed line2 commands. But if you'd like to do
# some extra tweaking, go ahead and modify these
# fields. The X, Y, and Z fields can all be decimals.

  # The Location Task checks to see if a player is in a raceline, in water, or hitting an item box.
  # The less ticks per check, the more accurate readings are.
    TicksPerCheck: 3

  # Set with /ed line1
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Z: 0
  # Set with /ed line2
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Z: 0

# Should the map be reset automatically when it shuts
# down?

ResetAutomatically: true

# The "NoJumpRange" setting is how far away the player
# must be to NOT be able to jump. There is an exploit
# that lets some players jump with their horse and
# walk through the raceline (ono). While it is found
# that if the player tries to abuse this and get laps
# he will simply be forced out again, this is still a
# gray area. Better safe than sorry, but the higher
# the no-jump range, the more lag you may find.

NoJumpRange: 10

# At the start of the race, a firework will, well, fire
# up to the sky. This can be set with /ed spawn flarespawn
# by default.

  X: 0
  Y: 0
  Z: 0

# How many laps does this level have?
Laps: 3

# Editor settings. These are auto-updated by the game.
# You probably don't need to worry about these.
# The following are spawnpoint location settings.

  X: 0
  Y: 0
  Z: 0
  X: 0
  Y: 0
  Z: 0
  X: 0
  Y: 0
  Z: 0
  X: 0
  Y: 0
  Z: 0
  X: 0
  Y: 0
  Z: 0
  X: 0
  Y: 0
  Z: 0
  X: 0
  Y: 0
  Z: 0
  X: 0
  Y: 0
  Z: 0

[Legacy] Config.yml - 0.8

This config is not supported in 0.9+!

  # Metrics help me learn who is using the plugin. Your anonymous statistics are sent to telling us basic
  # but not identifying information. If you'd like to opt out, set this as disabled.
  MetricsEnabled: true
  # Are we editing the level now or playing it?
  EditMode: false
  # Things to do after the race.
    EndAfter: 2 # After how many racers should we end the game?
      Enabled: true # Run the /restart command after the race?
      Delay: 200 # How many ticks until the /restart command is called? (1 second = 20 ticks)
  # Should we use NMS? WARNING: This may cause problems with mismatched versions,
  # (i.e. EquestrianDash 1.7.9 used with a later version of Bukkit/Spigot)
    Enabled: true
    MaxHorseSpeed: 0.225
  # All raceline settings.
    # Where should the first corner of the raceline be?
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
    # Where should the second corner of the raceline be?
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
    # How far away does the horse need to be from the raceline to be able to jump? (Players can glitch back and through the raceline if it is too low!)
    NoJumpRange: 10
  # These are the player settings.
    # Minimum players to start a game.
    Min: 2
    # Maximum players allowed at a time.
    Max: 8
  # From where should the firework launch?
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Z: 0
  # From where should the screen count down from before the game begins?
  Countdown: 30
  # How many laps does this level have?
  Laps: 3
  # Editor settings.
    # How many markers does this level have? (IMPORTANT!)
    Markers: 0
  # Powerup config.
      Enabled: true # Should this be used as a default powerup?
      Title: '&d&lLauncher Powerup' # The powerup's name (will shop up in the item's title)
      Material: 'DIAMOND' # The material for the powerup. Full list of Materials:
      Chance: 2 # The amount of times the powerup is entered into the powerup chooser. Higher = less frequent. For math nerds: Frequency = rank / chance.
        MultiplyX: 2
        MultiplyY: 1
        MultiplyZ: 2
        AddY: 1
      Enabled: true
      Title: '&f&lSpeed Powerup'
      Material: 'SUGAR'
      Chance: 1
      Length: 100 # NOTE: Length is in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second.
      Amplifier: 4 # i.e "2" would be the equivelant to "Speed II"
      Enabled: true
      Title: '&c&lTNT Powerup'
      Material: 'TNT'
      Chance: 2
        ThrowAheadEnabled: true
        ThrowAheadTicks: 60
        ThrowAheadMultiplier: 2.5
        ThrowBehindEnabled: true
        ThrowBehindTicks: 40
      Enabled: true
      Title: '&a&lSlime Minions Powerup'
      Material: 'SLIME_BALL'
      Chance: 3
      RemoveAfter: 100 # Remove slimes after how many ticks? 1 second = 20 ticks.
      Enabled: true
      Title: '&9&lArrow Powerup'
      Material: 'ARROW'
      Chance: 2
      Enabled: true
      Title: '&b&lIce Powerup'
      Material: 'PACKED_ICE'
      Chance: 3
      DelayInTicks: 60 # Detonation delay in ticks. 1 second = 20 ticks.
      DespawnTime: 200 # How long until the ice despawns.
        Height: 5 # How tall should the ice sphere be in blocks?
        Radius: 5 # How tall should the radius be?
        Enabled: true
        Multiplier: 2
        DelayInTicks: 60
      Enabled: true
      Title: '&8&lWither Powerup'
      SpeedMultiplier: 2
      # No material setting.
      Chance: 2
      Enabled: true
      Title: '&7&lThief Powerup'
      Material: 'FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE'
      # No chance settings. It's engineered to give you it more commonly if you're in a middle place.
  # The following are spawnpoint location settings.
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Z: 0
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Z: 0
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Z: 0
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Z: 0
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Z: 0
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Z: 0
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Z: 0
    X: 0
    Y: 0
    Z: 0


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