config-file/Field Definitions

EpicGlass Config File Field Definitions


These fields define which types of blocks are affected by physics events caused by this plugin. True means they ARE affected, false means the ARE NOT


These numbers define how much the damage done to the player is modified by. For Sprinting, damage isn't normally done, so simply put how much damage you want it to cause the player, but for falling, you need to take into account the fact that the player is already taking fall damage. The number you put here will either add or subtract from the damage the player is already given. So, if a player only falls 5 blocks, and you've set the falling damage modifier to -5, they wont take damage, but still will from greater heights.


The sub-sections of BreakableBlocks define what types of blocks will be checked by the plugin


This is the type of block, for help formatting, check the other Confile Help pages


This section allows you to specify the data values of the blocks checked. 'All' means the section applies no matter what the data value of the block is, otherwise the section should be renamed '1' or '2', etc. for whatever data value you are wanting


These sections allow you to turn off certain types of break events for each config section. Falling, Projectiles, and Sprinting can all be set to true or false for players or mobs. For hitting, you can enable/disable for players, as well as set the amount of times you must hit a block to break it and the items which this is enabled for. The item configuration might seem a little weird at first, but its actually very nice. Basically, you choose the WEAKEST type of tool that you want to be able to break that block type, and all of the 'stronger' tools are inherited. You can either specify IRON_TOOLS, which would enable all iron tools, diamond tools, and gold tools, you can say IRON_SWORD, which would enable iron swords, gold swords, and diamond swords, you can simply say an item id, which doesn't inherit anything, or you can use any combination of the three.


These sections define amounts of blocks. MinimumFallDistance is the minimum number blocks that a player or entity must have fallen to trigger a fall break event. MaxBlocksBroken defines the max number of blocks that will be broken by a single break.


These fields define the settings for regeneration for this block type. Enabled can be set to true or false. Chance is the percent chance that each block has to regenerate every half second. TimeBeforeRegenStarts is the amount of time that will pass before the blocks will begin to regenerate.


This list defines the types of blocks that will also break if connected to the sections block type. You can add as many blocks to this list as you want. The same format that applies to section block types applies here, except to specify a data value, put a space and then the value. So, "- SMOOTH_BRICK 0" would only break normal smooth brick, not cracked, circle, or mossy.


This defines whether or not the block will drop a block when it is broken (would create an item dupe if used alongside regeneration).


#  EpicGlass v1.10 by Malikk
#  For help with your config file, please see the BukkitDev page 
  Signs: false
  Torches: false
  Vines: false
  Water: true
  Lava: true
  Sprinting: 1.5
  Falling: -4
              Enabled: true
              HitsTaken: 3
              - IRON_TOOLS
            Player: true
            Mob: true
            Player: true
              Player: true
              Mob: true
          Material: AIR
          DataValue: 0
          MinimumFallDistance: 5
          MaxBlocksBroken: 0
          Enabled: true
          Chance: 15
          TimeBeforeRegenStarts: 60
        - NONE
        DropsBlocks: false