
EntityRider by Moertel



EntityRider is an experimental Plugin to enable Players to ride on every living entity possible. Therefore this plugin uses custom entity classes replacing the regular once during the time the entity gets spawned.

It's possible to sit on default entities aswell, but if you want to controle them you have to spawn a custom one.


As soon as you've enabled EntityRider you can Right-Click any Entity to sit on it.

If you want to controle an entity you can spawn custom once that you have to Right-Click aswell.

There might be some lag after spawning them so you might not be able to controle them instantly.

Just wait a few seconds and have fun :)


- entityrider allows player to get info about what commands to use

- entityrider.use allows the player to enable EntityRider

- entityrider.spawn allows the player to spawn custom entities

- entityrider.kill allows the player to kill his custom entities


  • /entityrider to see all available commands
  • /entityrider enable enables EntityRider
  • /entityrider disable disables EntityRider
  • /entityrider toggle toggles EntityRider
  • /entityrider spawn list gives the player a list of entitytypes that can be spawned
  • /entityrider spawn <entityname> spawns a custom entity of type "entityname" 
  • /entityrider kill all kills all entities connected to the player
  • /entityrider kill <number> kills the 'number'th entity spawned by the player


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 20, 2018
  • Last Released File
    Aug 20, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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