
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

A plugin that can clean (remove) a world of any entity you'd like, not just mobs. Someone lags the server with minecarts? /clean minecart! Someone spams pig eggs? /clean pig!

This plugin is very simple, there's no config or anything, only one simple command.

Just type /clean, and it gives you a list of everything you can clean/remove. When you have decided what to clean, type /clean, followed by what you want cleaned. You can chain several entities together. If you use the keyword "all", it cleans everything it can.

NOTE: This plugin relies on the entity list in Bukkit, so it doesn't need updating when there's a new entity added. It just works.

EXAMPLE: /clean pig /clean pig minecart zombie ghast experienceorb droppeditem painting /clean all

PERMISSION: ec.clean


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