
Path to the config file : plugins/EntityWatch/config.yml

For changes to take effect, please reload/restart your server!

# +--------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |              Entity Watch configuration 2.7            | #
# +--------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Check for update when plugin is launched or when player with entitywatch.alert permission joins the game.
checkForUpdate: true

# Alert levels when a player with entitywatch.alert permission joins the game.
entityItemsAlertLevel: 1000
entityItemframeLevel: 500
entityPaintingAlertLevel: 500
entityMinecartAlertLevel: 200
entityAnimalAlertLevel: 2000
entityGolemAlertLevel: 200
entityVillagerAlertLevel: 500
entitySquidAlertLevel: 200
entityMonsterAlertLevel: 500
entityEnderdragonAlertLevel: 5
entityArrowAlertLevel: 200
entityBoatAlertLevel: 200
entityExperienceorbAlertLevel: 200
entityOtherAlertLevel: 500

# Excluded worlds from clear, trim and list commands; list below with - in front of each world name.
  - your_world_1
  - your_world_2
# TPS meter; if false /ew lag command will be disabled.
tpsMeter: true

# Excludes name tagged mobs from list, trim and clear commands.
excludeNameTagged: false

# Excludes tamed cats , horses and dogs from list, trim and clear commands.
excludeTamedAnimals: false

# Excludes baby animals from list, trim and clear commands.
excludeBabyAnimals: false

# Displays details from clear and trim commands.
clearTrimDetails: true

# Delay between each batch of automatic commands (seconds).
autoDelay: 900

# Automatic commands executed by the server (write without /ew and delete []).
autoCommands: []
  #- clear 10 squid