Entei's Bank Plugin


This plugin is an Economy add-on, meaning that it only adds features to a pre-existing Vault economy setup, such as Essentials. Hello! Entei's Bank Plugin is a plugin that allows you to store your money into a bank via signs! You can also set the bank up to have players earn interest, and this interest can differentiate between online and offline players and even players' ranks!


This bank plugin has the following features, in no particular order:

  • Adds a bank to your game
  • Allows players to earn different types of interest on their bank balances(per rank interest rates as well as an offline interest rate)
  • Has admin commands for managing players' bank balances, such as /bank set
  • Players can either check their bank balance from a sign, or anywhere with the /bank command, if given permission.

Upcoming features:

  • Players will be able to have "safety deposit boxes" of sorts where players can open a deposit box and store their items, like extended chests.
  • Players will be able to trade in their experience for money or store their experience for later!

Commands and Permissions

This plugin currently has three commands with permission nodes and two special permissions.

1/ebp reloadebp.reloadReloads options from config.yml
2/ebp saveebp.saveSaves current options to config.yml(also gets rid of useful comments, so be careful
3/ebp infoebp.infoPlugin class and author information command
4/moneyebp.cmd.use.moneyPlayer command for viewing one's own pocket balance
5/money help(none)Player or console command for displaying help for the /money command
6/money {targetName}(none)Console command for viewing the target player's balance
7/money {targetName}ebp.cmd.use.money.viewOthersPlayer command for viewing the target player's pocket balance
8/money set {amount}ebp.cmd.use.money.setPlayer command used to set one's own pocket balance
9/money set {targetName} {amount}(none)Console command for setting the target player's pocket balance
10/money set {targetName} {amount}ebp.cmd.use.money.set.othersPlayer command for setting the target player's pocket balance
11/bankebp.cmd.use.bankPlayer command for viewing one's own bank balance
12/bank help(none)Player or console command for displaying help for the /bank command
13/bank balance {targetName}(none)Console command for viewing the target player's bank balance
14/bank balance {targetName}ebp.cmd.use.bank.viewOthersPlayer command for viewing the target player's bank balance
15/bank add {targetName} {amount}ebp.cmd.use.bank.addPlayer command for adding an amount to the target player's bank balance
16/bank set {targetName} {amount}(none)Console command for setting the target player's bank balance to the specified amount
17/bank set {targetName} {amount}ebp.cmd.use.bank.setPlayer command for setting the target player's bank balance to the specified amount
18(none)ebp.createsignsPermission node for allowing a player to create a bank sign
19(none)ebp.*Operator's permission node for allowing a player to perform any of this plugin's commands and grants all permissions for this plugin


This plugin requires Entei's Plugin Library and Vault + an economy plugin in order to be used. This plugin is an economy add on, meaning that it does not actually create an economy, it only helps manage it. Note that the plugin library must be version 0.0.3 or greater, otherwise this plugin will likely fail to initialize.


Download link for all files: (Not yet available!)

Download latest file(zip): (Not yet available!)


Just drag and drop both the .jar and the plugin library.jar into your server's /plugins/ folder, and (re)start your server. Then, if using the per-ranks feature, be sure to read through the console's startup log and include the rank names that this plugin points out in your config.yml and then restart your server one last time. That's it! (for example, if the plugin points out the "challenger" rank, you'd enter that rank into the config.yml like this:

challenger: 0.005

where "0.005" would be an interest rate of 0.5%(recommended).)


The config.yml file template is here, be sure to follow it:

# Important! Make sure this config.yml file's version setting matches the version of the plugin!
version: "0.01"

# This allows debugging messages to be sent to the console when the 
# plugin is being used. May spam console with many messages.
# Default: false
showDebugMsgs: false

# This is the message sent to the command sender if
# they don't have permission to use the command they typed.
# Default: "You do not have permission to use this command."
noPermission: "You do not have permission to use this command."

# ================================================================================

# This allows you to set the name of the bank you want to use.
# Be sure that it is at most 13 characters, because it will need to
# fit on a sign with enclosing brackets ( [] ) and a color character, making 16.
# Default: "Bank"
bankName: "Bank"

# This allows you to choose the bank name's sign color.
# This color is shown and automatically applied when creating a bank sign.
# You can use hexidecimal color codes('&' symbol followed by characters 0-9, a-f, k, l, m, n, and r)
# Default: "&1"
bankNameColor: "&1"

# This allows you to set the starting balance for new players.
# Note that it is not recommended to set this value to a negative number.
# Default: 10
startingBalance: 10

# This allows you to set a limit on all player's bank balances.
# Note that it is not recommended to set this value to a negative number.
# Setting this value to "NaN" will disable this feature.
# Default: 500000
bankAccountGlobalLimit: 500000

# This allows you to control whether or not players' bank accounts can go negative.
# Default: false
balancesCanGoNegative: false

# This allows you to set up and change bank account interest rates.
# There is also a configurable time delay below for frequency of interest.

# This value is a percentage of the players' balance and is added on to said balance.
# Default: 0.005 (For 0.5% interest)
interestRate: 0.005

# This value is for offline players and applies the same as the above value.
# Default: 0.001
offlineInterestRate: 0.001

# This value is the amount of time that passes between interest assignments.
# The value is in seconds, so 60 = one minute, 1800 = 30 minutes
# Default: 1800
interestDelay: 1800

# This allows you to decide whether or not the plugin should tell players when they
# gain interest on their bank account.
# Default: true
notifyPlayersWhenInterestApplied: true

# This allows you to decide whether or not the plugin should include the players' old
# bank balance and new bank balance information when notifying the player about interest.
# Default: true
notifyPlayersAboutBalance: true

# This allows you to decide whether or not the plugin should assign leftover interest
# to a player's pocket balance when their bank account is too full.
# Default: false
addLeftoverInterestToPocket: false

# This is identical to the above setting, except that it deals with offline players.
# Default: false
addLeftoverOfflineInterestToPocket: false


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 16, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jul 5, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License

