
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Secure and configurable Ender Chests! Disable the Ender Chest for certain players, while giving others more rows. Let your players protect their Ender Chest with Lockette and LWC, and let them share their chest. Give some players access to the /enderchest command to open their chest from anywhere. Give your mods the ability ot open anyone's Ender Chest. Ender Chests can be separated between world groups.

BetterEnderChest 2.2


Spigot 1.8

All updates for Spigot 1.8 won't be posted here, but on the Spigot forums instead:

See you there!

Screenshot of a Lockette-protected Ender Chest on a beach

This plugin makes Ender Chests secure and configurable. Disable the Ender Chest for certain players, while giving others more rows. Let your players protect their Ender Chest with Lockette and LWC, and let them share their chest to their friends in the same way they are already doing that with normal chests. Give some players access to the /enderchest command to open their chest from anywhere. Give your mods the ability ot open anyone's Ender Chest. Ender Chests can be separated between world groups, so that the plugin is also usable on servers with separated inventories.

Some features required saving the Ender Chests in a separate file. The plugin automatically imports from vanilla, MultiInv, Multiverse-Inventories and WorldInventories, and there is a converter to convert back to vanilla. UUID conversion

BetterEnderChest 2.2.* automatically converts names to UUIDs. To achieve this, BetterEnderChest uses evilmidget38's UUIDFetcher, which was modified a little bit. This requires access to In BetterEnderChest 2.2.1, it is possible to continue using names instead of UUIDs, so that no access to is needed. Set useUUIDs to false in the config.yml. However, you need to enable this option before any chests are converted, otherwise items will be lost.

For more information, see this wiki page.

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Lockette and LWC integration

Uses Lockette signs or LWC protection so that you can allow other people/groups in your chest. When a chest is protected by you, and if someone else is allowed in your chest, he/she will see your items instead of his/her own items. This is completely optional. To enable this, simply add the Ender Chest to your LWC/Lockette custom block list. (See the installation instructions.)

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Public Ender Chest

Optional: unprotected (by Lockette and LWC) chests are public chests. If you don't add the Ender Chest to the custom block list of those plugins, or if you haven't installed them, there will be no way of making private chests.

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MySQL support

Running multiple servers in one network? BetterEnderChest supports MySQL as of version 2.1. If you use the same database and world group, chests will be shared. Flatfile is also supported, so don't worry if you don't have a database.

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Adds /enderchest to open your Ender Chest from anywhere. Only for ops by default. It also adds a few useful administrative commands to open and manage the Ender Chest inventories. Commands work even when the owner of the inventory is offline.

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Chest customization

You can set the number of slots in the chest to make the Ender Chest not too overpowered. Players can have different chest sizes based on permissions. No client mods needed. You can also set the drops of the chest (nothing, itself, 8 obsidian, an Eye of Ender (with or without 8 obsidian), or with an Ender Pearl (with or without 8 obsidian) ).

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Multiworld support

Inventories can be separated between worlds, so that for example you creative worlds can have different Ender Chest inventories than your survival worlds, or your Nether world can have other Ender Chest inventories than the surface world. On installation, BetterEnderChest will automatically copy the group structure from your current inventory seperation plugin, if you have one. It is possible to setup another structure in BetterEnderChest than in the inventory seperation plugin. This can be used to create very interesting ways of transporting items between worlds and even servers.

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Default Ender Chest

You can have a default chest that all new players get when opening their Ender Chest for the first time. Edit it with /bec openinv --defaultchest or a NBT editor. Changes will be applied after the next (auto)save. Each worldgroup has a different default chest.

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Save file format

The plugin has it's own saving/loading mechanics, either using NBT files or MySQL. This is necessary to make some of the features possible. The plugin automatically imports an Ender Chest when it is opened for the first time. The owner of the Ender Chest doesn't need to be online for this. The importer supports vanilla as well as some other plugins (MultiInv, Multiverse-Inventories and WorldInventories).

It doesn't save too often: every five minutes all changed chests are added to a save queue. You can set how fast chest in the save queue get saved.

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Installation and configuration

Just drop the plugin in the plugins folder. Most features will be disabled by default. Read the guide for starters here or read here about every configuration option.

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You can view a complete list of the permissions here. The basic permissions are:

  • betterenderchest.user - build, craft, open and destroy Ender Chest. Given to everyone by default.
  • betterenderchest.command - use all commands. Operators automatically get this permission.
  • betterenderchest.command.openinv.self - just the permission to open your own Ender Chest (or the public one, as defined in the config.yml) from anywhere using /enderchest or /betterenderchest openinv.
  • betterenderchest.slots.upgrade1 - get the number of slots in the Ender Chest as defined in the config.yml.
  • betterenderchest.slots.upgrade2 - get the number of slots in the Ender Chest as defined in the config.yml.

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<required argument> [optional argument]

  • /betterenderchest deleteinv <player> - delete all items in someone's Ender Chest.
  • /betterenderchest give <player> <item> [amount] [damage-value] - give an item to an Ender Chest inventory.
  • /betterenderchest list - list all cached Ender Chest inventories. Useful for debugging.
  • /betterenderchest openinv [player] - open an Ender Chest remotely.
  • /betterenderchest viewinv <player> - view anyone's Ender Chest from anywhere. Editing is disabled.
  • /betterenderchest reload - reload the configuration.
  • /betterenderchest swapinv <player1> <player2> - swap two Ender Chests.
  • /enderchest [player] - alias for /betterenderchest openinv [player]


  • Instead of typing /betterenderchest you could also type /bec.
  • As seen in the permissions section above, it is possible to allow /enderchest but disallow /enderchest [player].
  • /enderchest and /betterenderchest openinv (without the playername) normally open your own Ender Chest, but there is a setting in the config.yml to open the public Ender Chest instead.
  • Use --publicchest as a player name to refer to the public Ender Chest, and use --defaultchest for the default chest.
  • Use the syntax groupname/playername to open chests from another group. Example: /bec openinv cavegroup/Notch

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Not all messages can be translated yet, but the most common ones can. See here for more information, along with a premade Dutch translation file.

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 2, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 31, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License

