EnchantSign - Shop

EnchantSign - Shop

This plugin will allow you to create shops for enchantments.
The sign format is:

Table of allowed name's, allowed levels:

EnchantNameLittle descriptionItems
PowerExtra damagePickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons and more tools!
FlameSets arrows, mobs, and players on firePickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
InfinityGives unlimited shots as long as you have a single arrow in your inventory (bow still loses durability)Pickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
PunchIncreases knockbackPickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
SharpnessExtra damagePickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
ArthropodsExtra damage to spiders, cave spiders and silverfishPickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
SmiteExtra damage to zombies, zombie pigmen, withers and skeletonsPickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
KnockbackIncreases knockbackPickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
Fire_AspectLights the target on firePickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
LootingMobs have a chance to drop more lootPickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
UnbreakingExtra damagePickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
ProtectionReduces damage from most sources (except from The Void, Hunger and the /kill command)All armor
FireprotectionProtection against fire damage; extinguishes fire fasterAll armor
BlastprotectionProtection against explosion damage; reduces explosion recoilAll armor
ArrowprotectionProtection against damage from projectile entities (i.e., arrows and ghast/blaze fireballs)All armor
FeatherFallingProtection against fall damageAll armor
ThornsRandomly deals damage to mobs or players attacking the wearerAll armor
RespirationDecreases the rate of air loss underwater; increases time between damage while suffocating and drowningAll armor
Aqua_AffinityIncreases underwater mining rateAll armor
EfficiencyFaster resource gathering while in usePickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
Silk_TouchMined blocks will drop themselves, even if they should drop something else (e.g., stone will drop stone, not cobblestone).Pickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick
FortuneExtra damagePickaxes, Axes, Shovels, Weapons, fishing rod, flint and steel or carrot on a stick

If you've done all things correctly ur sign will look like this.


enchant.createAllow's player to create an Enchant sign
enchant.breakAllow's player remove an Enchant sign

The plugin will allow this to op's automaticly.


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