Configuration guide

Easy to follow config.yml guide!

A fairly simple config.yml:

  Broadcast_Message_server_wide?: true
# If this it enabled, it broadcasts the enchantments,              #
# to the server. DON'T WORRY ABOUT PERMISSIONS                     #
# but if this is disabled YOU NEED TO HAVE THE PERMISSIONS:        #
# enchant.broadcast                                                #
# otherwise you will see no messages                               #

  Broadcast_Message: '[ENCHANTER] &eenchanted his/her [ITEM] &ewith the following enchantment(s): [ENCHANTMENTS] &ewhich cost: [EXP] &aexp'
# This allows you to customise the enchant message,                #
# when the player enchants their enchantable item :P               #
# Supports minecraft color codes:                                  #
#                                             #

  MOTD: true
# When the player logs in the will be prompted with information,   #
# Information like what version of the plugin the server is        #
# running!                                                         # 
# Can set to false!                                                #

  start: true
# Starts the auto-updater, this pretty much allows you to be
# prompted when and update is available and allows you to download
# it!

  notify: true
# Let's you know if there is a new version available on Bukkit dev #
# If Start: false this will not work!                              #

  enable: true
#Metrics is plugin statistic software,                             #
# It helps me to figure out how popular, one of my plugins are.    #
# Set to false if you want!                                        #

Post on the main page if you have any questions! :)