
Looking for help with the config? There's two choises, 1: You reads this help (look down), 2: You add's glassbillen on skype and ill help you!

The variable's;

  • <Command>Reciever = The Reciever! (Example: /hug <Reciever>)
  • <Command>Sender = The Sender! (Example: The player that writes the command /hug <player>)


The sender and Reciever name? (comming soon)
The Recievers name (Example /hug DustFighter, then DustFighter is the reciever) is: %s%
The Senders name(Example the player that sended the command /hug DustFighter) is:


Ok but are color codes supported?
Yes, click HERE! for a list of all the color codes!