Tutorial - ATM



  • store your emeralds in it (all ATMs have the same storage)
  • when you buy something, the emeralds will automatically be taken from your account
  • when you sell something, the emerlads will automatically be added to your account


  1. type /em create atm
  2. rigthclick a diamond block


  1. rightclick an ATM block, an inventory will be opened →left picture
  2. there's at least one emerald block
  3. klick on it, an other inventory will be displayed →middle picture
  4. now you can put/take emerald into/from your account →right picture
    • left-/rightclick on a stack of emeralds: move one emerald
    • shiftclick on a stack of emeralds: move the whole stack


  • the maximum amount of emeralds you can see in your account is 82944
  • if the maximum is reached, you can add even more emeralds, they will not be away for ever, just not displayed