

Copy the EasyBan.jar into your plugin folder and choose one of the databases below:


YAML: The YAML data backend is the default and doesn't need any configuration

HSQLDB To use the HSQL database download this. Create a "lib" directory in your server root and copy the downloaded file to that directory. Open the config.yml in plugins/EasyBan/ and replace "database: yaml" with "database: hsql"

MySQL To use MySQL as data backend download this. In that zip archive is a "mysql-connector-java-${VERSION}-bin.jar" file. Rename that file to "mysql-connector-java-bin.jar" and move it to the "lib" directory in your craftbukkit root folder. When the "lib" folder doesn't exist create it. Now create a database with a name of your choice. Open the config.yml in plugins/EasyBan/ and replace "database: yaml" with "database: mysql". Additionally you have to add these 5 settings:

schema: 'XYZ' #Database name(Defaults to 'easyban' when not given)
host: 'XYZ'  # MySQL Server address
port: 'XYZ'  # MySQL Server port
username: 'XYZ' # MySQL user
password: 'XYZ' # password for that user

Country Bans

Country bans are a optional feature just install the GeoIPTools plugin and they work.

PHP Banlist for Websites

SamuellSk made a php script for displaying a banlist on websites, it can be found here:


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