Easier Server

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This plugin is meant to make the server easier for you and other regular players. The players can for example type /spawn and they will be teleported to the spawn point of the server instead of finding it. They also do get two other commands called /pm & /bed. When you type /pm, you can send a private message to a player, ins't that cool?. /bed can teleport a player to their bed, that is also a very good feature if you want to get home quickly.


Put the EasierServer.jar in your plugins folder and your'e done.

How do I use it?

Well, we can start with the setspawn command, it is quite easy to do, all you have to do is to stand where you want the spawn position to be and type /setspawn. If you want to teleport to the spawn, just type /spawn and you will be teleported. Now we can move on to the /bed command, that's my favourite command. How it works? Well when a player place a bed and have sleeped in the bed at least one time, then the server register that the player has a bed. if you type /bed, will you be teleported to your bed. The Tp Command is also simple, just type /tp {player} and you will be teleported to that player, but you cant send a player to yourself.


Open your plugins folder, Then open EasierServer folder and open config.yml. If you want to change the message when you teleport to spawn or your bed, just change the message behind the ":". If you get any errors, just delete the folder of the plugin and start the server again.


1. /spawn - Teleport's you to the spawn.

2. /setspawn - Set's the spawn.

3. /tp {player} - Teleport to a player.

4. /bed - Teleport to your bed.

5. /survival {player} - Set yours or others gamemode to survival.

6. /creative {player} - Set yours or others gamemode to creative.

7. /adventure {player} - Set yours or others gamemode to adventure.

8. /es - Displays the version of the plugin you have.

9. /bukkit - Displays what version of bukkit you have.


1. /spawn - easierserver.spawn

2. /setspawn - easierserver.setspawn

3. /tp {player} - easierserver.tp

4. /bed - easierserver.bed

5. /survival {player} - easierserver.survival

6. /creative {player} - easierserver.creative

7. /adventure {player} - easierserver.adventure


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 14, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 16, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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