This is the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for Earthquake. Listed below will be commonly asked questions and their answers. Before reporting a bug, or asking how to do something, check here or the other documentation.

Q. How do I install the plugin and set up a game?
A. To install and configure the plugin, you can visit the Installation & Configuration page
To set up an arena and game, you can visit the game setup page (Coming very soon).

Q. How does a player join/quit a game?
A. To join a game, the player either uses the command /eq join (Arena Id) or they right click on an Earthquake join sign.
To quit a game, either wait till the game ends or use the command /eq quit

Q. What happens to a game when the player who is it quits/disconnects?
A. If a player is in an Earthquake game and quits or disconnects, Earthquake does a few different things. First, it teleports the player to the quit location, and resets all of their data so that on the next login, or when they play something else, they will be ignored by Earthquake and recognized as not being in game. Second, Earthquake will announce to the players that they have quit, update the scoreboard, and all lists, and make sure the player count is still high enough to play (equal to or greater than the min player count). Thirdly and lastly, if the player who quit/disconnected was it, Earthquake will randomly select one player in the arena to be it, and the game will continue.

More is to come sooner, don't worry.


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