
Dwarves vs Zombies
Main Setup Commands Changelog Config

I'm working on a documentation and more detailed setup explanation for Version 1.7.1 or later here:

The old Setup explanation can be found here:


  1. You need to download DisguiseCraft - please read the instructions on their page!
  2. Also instal ProtocolLib - it is described on the Disguisecraft page but nobody seems to read it
  3. And since Version 1.6.3 you also need SpellItems(1.3 for DvZ 1.7, 1.2 for DvZ 1.6.X)
  4. Download this Plugin
  5. Start the server once and let it generate a config.yml
  6. Stop the Server
  7. Edit the config to your likings. Important options:
    lobby_players: Players needed for the game to autostart
    lobby_playerperassasin: For how many Players should one Assasin be choosen
    need_release: Do the monsters need to be released
    IMPORTANT: You might also change effects in classes.yml - the default applies blindness to dwarves in the dark.

Then you need to setup at least one world:

  1. Log in as an OP
  2. Chose a world
  3. Set the Spawnpositions with /dvz_dwarf and /dvz_monster
  4. Optional: Create the Monument with /dvz_monument (You can modify it, except of the Enchanting Tables)
  5. Modify the world to your likings
  6. Use /save-all to make sure the current world is saved
  7. Use /dvz_createworld to save it as an automatic world
  8. Repeat for how many worlds you want

The Lobby:

  1. Use /dvz_join to get to the Lobby World
  2. You can modify this world as much as you want

This should be all you have to do.
Players can join using /dvz_join.

Manual things:

  1. Start the Game with /dvz_start [Time until start in Seconds] <minutes_till_assasins> <assasins> <maxdeaths>
  2. use /dvz_add [gameID] [Player] to add a Player to a allready running game
  3. You can see some infos about the Game using /dvz_info
  4. Release the Monsters with /dvz_release
  5. A message will be displayed, when no more Dwarves are left over or the Monument was destroyed

When you upgrade to a new Version, delete the config.yml and language files and let it generate new ones!

Disguisecraft config:
I recommend setting noTabHide to true so everbody can see who is online.

Lagging a lot?:
if you experience a lot of lag once there are more monster try setting movementUpdateThreading (and maybe bandwidthReduction, but try it enabled first) to true in the Disguisecraft config. Because the lag is caused by Disguisecraft updating to frequently.
You can also try setting playerHeldItemChange,playerArmSwingAnimation,playerSneakAnimation and disguiseArmorUpdates to false.
Another way to reduce lag is to increase attackInterval to 4(but this will make attacks appear delayed)

WARNING: If a game is started, no new Players can join it.
You can change the Config to Autoadd new Players.
Or you can use /dvz_add to manually add them.