
The default configuration file looks like this:

Enabled: true #Set to false to disable Duties
KeepStateOffline: false #If true, the player will be able to leave the game without going off duty
    Order: #The (order of) the onEnable modules to be executed
    - MemoryImport
    - TemporaryGroups
    - TemporaryPermissions
    - Cleanups
    - CommandsByConsole
    - Commands
    - Messages
    - Broadcast
    Cleanups: #Reset player states to default while on duty
#    - Location #Disabled by default, will however teleport the player to spawn
#    - BedSpawn #Disabled by default, removes the player's bed spawn location while on duty
    - Vehicle
    - Velocity
    - Inventory
    - Armor
    - Exhaustion
    - Saturation
    - FoodLevel
    - Health
    - Experience
    - RemaingAir
    - FallDistance
    - FireTicks
    - PotionEffects
    - TicksLived
    Messages: [] #Messages that will be delivered to the player
    Commands: [] #Commands that will be executed by the player.
    CommandsByConsole: #Commands that will be executed by the console
    - gamemode 1 %PLAYER_NAME%
  TemporaryPermissions: #Temporary permission nodes that should be added
  - herp.derp #Remove this line if you're having trouble with the default config
  TemporaryGroups: #Permissions groups to be added while on duty
  - Duty
    Order: #The order of the onDisable modules to be executed
    - MemoryExport
    - CommandsByConsole
    - Commands
    - TemporaryPermissions
    - TemporaryGroups
    - DataRemoval
    - Messages
    - Broadcast
    Messages: [] #Messages that will be delivered to the player
    Commands: [] #Commands that will be executed by the player.
    CommandsByConsole: []
  DisableDeathDrops: true #Removes all death drops from players on duty
  DisableKillDrops: false #Removes all death drops from players/mobs killed by on-duty players.
  DenyDesiredDrops: false #Prevents on-duty players from dropping items with Q
  DenyChestInteracts: true #Prevents on-duty players from opening chests
  RemindPlayers: true #Reminds the player of item drops and chest interacts
    Dependencies: #Plugins needed to enable and disable dutymode. (so they aren't disabled when Duties uses their commands)
    - Vault #You can remove this line if you're not using the Vault plugin (not recommended)
    - TagAPI #You can remove this line if you're not using the TagAPI plugin
  NameTagPrefix: '&4!&f' #Applies a prefix to player tag name(TagAPI required)
  NameTagSuffix: '&4!&f' #Applies a suffix to player tag name(TagAPI required)
  Permissions: true #If true, Duties will use Vault's permissions system
  NameFormatting: false #If true, Duties will use Vault to format player names
  Economy: false #If true, Addons will be able to use Vault for economy releated actions
PreventTeleportCollision: false #Enable if players get stuck in the ground on dutymode teleports
Broadcast-duty-changes: true #Set to true if the server should broadcast dutymode status updates
ReminderCooldown: 2400 #The amount of tics between dutymode reminder messages

Available variables in command runs

  • %PLAYER_NAME%: Name of the player
  • %PLAYER_GAMEMODE%: The gamemode of the player