Inventory Management Disclaimer

Version 0.8.5 of the plugin introduces new commands for managing player inventories when they enter and leave the dungeon.

Unfortunately, due to what I view as a serious shortcoming in the Bukkit API I am unable to reliably implement this feature to the degree of customization that I would like while also reliably preventing duping bugs or lost items.

Maybe I will have a brainstorm and figure out a way to implement this feature, which is why for the time being I am leaving the inventory management as I originally implemented them. However due to the previous mentioned shortcoming the only configs that I can reliably support are:

Permit: ALL or list of specific items
Keep: NONE

Permit: NONE
Keep: ALL or List of specific items

Restrict: NONE or List of specific items
Keep: NONE

Restrict: ALL
Keep: ALL or List of specific items

While the inventory commands will allow you to try different configurations other than the ones above it will introduce ways for players to duplicate gear or other strange behavior. This stems from my inability to distinguish if the items in their inventory when they leave were part of the list of items that were in the inventory when they entered.


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