Description: 3.5 - 4.0/Config.yml




debug: critical
#locale settings
  #the choosen localization to load
  load: en
  #should the locale updated autmaticaly, (not implemented)
  auto-update: false
#logging settings
  #should transactions be logged? (false/FILE/SQL/WEB) , (not used at this moment)
  log: false
  #the foramt how transactions should be logged to FILE, (not used at this moment)
  log-format: ''
  #enable or disable statistics (not implemented)
  enabled: false
  #metrics should be enabled? (not implemented)
  metrics: false
#trader types related settings
  #sets if left clicking the Trader should damage him, if set to false the trader wont be damaged and the click will be handled as ManagerMode toogling
  #when the player meets the requirements (permissions, and right-click = false)
  #it this setting is set to true, manager modes is toggled only when sneaking 
  allow-damage: false
  #item used to toggle between modes (air counts for anything)
  #transaction related settings
    #sets if buying and selling should be done after clicking on a item twice in a row
    double-click: false
  #manager mode related settings
    #the starting stock when opening a trader (buy/sell)
    start-stock: sell
    #right click toggling (instead of left click, which is default from 3.0+) 
    #Attention: When PvP is disabled in the world, and the NPC is Player-Type, left click may not work!
    #if toggling is enabled the item needs to be other than AIR. If not set to an item "stick" item will be used.
    right-click: false
    item: 'air'
    #special blocks used when setting prices and limits, format => 'item_id value'
    - dirt 0.01
    - wood 0.1
    - log 10
    - cobblestone 100
    - stone 10000
  #stock related settings
    #default starting stock (if this stock is set and not empty!, this does not apply for player traders)
    start-stock: 'sell'
    #default stock size in rows, min 1, max 6 (applied on creation)
    size: 6
    #default stock name format, how should be the traders stock named by default, {npc} tag for npc name
    format: '{npc}^r''s shop'
  #wallet related settings
    #default wallet type for traders (if set to infinite player traders will use "owner" type instead)
    type: 'infinite'
    #initial wallet money on creation (does not apply for player traders)
    money: 0.0
  #pattern related settings
    #default patterns applied to each market and server trader uppon creation (array setting)
    defaults: []
    #the file where patterns are saved
    file: 'patterns.yml'
  #book item related settings
    #the file where book datas are stored
    file: 'books.yml'
    #how should be books stored? (file)
    store: 'file'
  #player trader related settings
    #limits of player traders per player
    limit: 1
    #default stock size for player traders, if set overrides the stock.size setting
    size: 2
    #default stock name format, how should be the traders stock named by default, {npc} tag for npc name, and {player} for the traders owner
    #if set overrides the stock.format setting
    format: '{npc}^r''s shop, {player}''s company'
  #ui related settings
    #item that will "link" to sell stock
    sell: wool:1
    #item that will "link" to buy stock
    buy: wool:2
    #item that will "link" back to a basic stock
    back: wool:14
    #item that will "link" to price managing
    price: wool:15
    #item that will "link" to limit managing
    limit: wool:3
    #item that will "unlock" the stock for eiding
    lock: wool:4
    #item that will "lock" the stock (saving all changes)
    unlock: wool:5
#denizen support related settings
denizen: []



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