How to setup the webportal.

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Setting it up

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to setup the Donator Express Web Portal.

Download and install

Download and setup the portal before you install the plugin from: Once you have the downloaded file unzip it and upload the contents of the “upload” directory onto your server. In this example we will upload the contents of the “upload” directory to a directory called “donate” onto our server.

Edit config

Once the files are uploaded navigate to /include/sample_config.php and rename the file to /include/config.php (Please Note: This step is only for fresh installs if your preforming an update you do not need to rename your config file every time). Edit the contents of the config.php with your configuration. Here is what the config.php looks like by default:

The configuration file is pretty straight forward. It includes comments with instructions that explain what each variable does. After you have edited the config.php file, save it and head over to register.php in your browser. Register an account and confirm it by clicking the confirmation email you will be sent. From there you can login to your account by visiting the login.php in your browser once your account has been confirmed.

Making an Admin account

You can make yourself an admin on the web portal which will allow you to view statistics by connecting to the mySQL database and selecting the “dep” table. From there, there is a column called “is_admin” which defaults to the value “false”. Find your username in the database table row and edit “false” to “true” (Screenshot below).

This will grant you administrator access on the web portal. You may now navigate to admin.php in your browser to view your admin panel.

IPN setup

To properly setup the functionality which automatically gives users the tokens they purchased login to PayPal and set your Instant Payment Notification URL to the file ipn.php (example: To debug PayPal IPN settings chmod the text file ipn_errors.txt to 777 and rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess this way all PayPal IPN requests to your portal installation will be logged inside the ipn_errors.txt file and will prevent people from viewing the file inside their browser.

Editing package values

If you don't want the default, 10, 25, 50, and 100 virtual currency packages, you have the ability to change that. We just need to edit 2 files and change some values. First, open up ipn.php and scroll down to lines 88-91. Edit these values depending on how many tokens want your packages to be. For example, you could have $package1 = 1000 and $package2 = 2000 and so on and so on. Now you need to edit login-home.php There are a few values we need to change here
For package1 the lines your need to edit are: 101,107 and 109. Simply replace “10” with whatever number of tokens you want the package to be.
For package2 the lines are: 116, 122 and 125
For package3 the lines are: 131, 137 and 139
For package4 the lines are: 146, 152 and 154.

Additional Support

Have a question, bug, something not working for you? Well we can help. Simply contact us here and we will be happy to assist you. No registration required.