

The configuration allows for blacklisting and aliasing.

The default configuration is blank, save for blacklisting command blocks and aliasing "creepstone" to chiseled sandstone.

Anywhere an item name is mentioned, you can use an items.csv name or material name, providing the two do not conflict with one another in which case items.csv names take precedence.

You can override the default data/damage value of the item name by adding : to the end followed by the desired damage value.

Anything following this assumes you know how to edit YML based configurations.

Check here for a reference on material names.

Blacklist Always

Pretty self explanatory. Put an item name in this list and nobody will be able to sell/buy it.

Disable Broadcasting

When enabled, disabled broadcasting of messages to all users. This includes notifications for adding items to the market, or changing price. Personal notifications such as your items being bought are not included.

Alternate Broadcasting

Bit of backstory on this, it was added due to a conflict in another plugin with the original method of broadcasting.

When false (default state), the plugin uses getServer.broadcastMessage(message) to send the message. In other words, sends it normally.

When true, it sends the message to every online player individually.

WARNING: Use only if the default broadcasting method breaks the use of the plugin.

Always Buy Available

This requires a scenario to explain:

If, say, a user tries to buy 10 of an item but only 4 (any amount less then given) are/is available this option comes into play.

When set to true it will attempt to buy all that is on the market, up to the given amount.

When set to false attempts to buy an amount not completely available will error out.

In either case it will error out if none are avalable.

Maximum/Minimum Stock and Price

Hopefully the concept of Max(imum)/Min(imum) price and Max(imum) stock are simple enough to understand.

(The same logic applies to all three.)

Simply set the option to any valid price/stock count and the respective type will be limited to that count for anyone without the override permissions.

Alternatively, set them to -1 to disable them.


Each sub-option defines the message for a different condition.

Hopefully the concept of changing the messages is simple enough to understand.

Message Types

  • NewlySelling: The message shown to all when a user starts selling something not previously being sold by them
  • Added: The message shown to all when a user adds to their shop stock without changing the price
  • AddedPriceChange: The message shown to all when a user adds to their shop and changes the price
  • RemovedSome: The message shown to all when a user removes some but not all stock from their shop
  • RemovedAll: The message shown to all when a user removes all stock from their shop
  • PriceChange: The message shown to all when a user changes the price of an item in their shop
  • ShopBoughtSome: The message shown to a seller when a user buys some but not all of their shop stock
  • ShopBoughtAll: The message shown to a seller when a user buys all of their shop stock

Formatting Placeholders

(Note: Any placeholders not valid for the situation will come out as "NULL")

  • [player] becomes the player involved in the situation, generally sellers in global broadcasts otherwise buyers
  • [item] becomes the item name involved in the situation
  • [amount] becomes the amount involved in the situation, generally how many added/removed/bought
  • [cost] becomes the cost involved in the situation, generally a user-set cost
  • [currency] becomes the currency name, pluralized based on the situation
  • Any Formatting Code can be used, prefix it with &

Item Aliasing

Less self explanatory, but still simple.

NOTE: As of 1.7 you can put entries in items.csv, but do note aliases override anything else.

It goes in the format aliasname,itemname where aliasname is what the alias shall be and itemname is the item name it shall point to. (both case insensitive)

NOTE: There is no space before or after the comma.

NOTE 2: The actual item name will still be displayed everywhere else. This is just for commands.

NOTE 3: A space can be used in the alias name technically, but commands would break if you tried to use them.