

DirectExp was created at the request of Certain, a member of the Bukkit forum. After releasing several builds on the thread, and having more then one person suggest that I upload this to BukkitDev, I have finally decided to release it here. Hopefully others can benefit from it as much as those who have been following the original thread have been!

Using/Installing DirectExp

Using DirectExp is very simple. Just drop the jar file into your plugins folder. The plugin will automatically generate a default configuration file if it can't find one. All of the values used in the default configuration file are the same as that of vanilla Minecraft. If you want to edit those values, navigate to dbstudios/DirectExp/config/ and edit the config.yml file.

Gain Message

In config.yml, there is a line near the top called "gain-message". This is the message that will be displayed to players when the gain experience. You can make this anything you want, just make sure it is enclosed in "double quotes"!

Special Strings

The "gain-message" node accepts the following special strings:

The number of experience points gained.
The amount of damage that player dealt.
The percentage of damage the player dealt.
The name of the creature or player that was killed.

Additionally, it will also accept any color name enclosed in {curly braces}. So, for example, lets say I want a player to see this when they gain experience for killing a zombie: [DirectExp] You have gained 10 experience for dealing 27 (56.25%) damage to a zombie. To achieve this, I would enter this for my "gain-message":

gain-message: "{dark_green}[DirectExp] {aqua}You have gained {red}{exp} {aqua}experience for dealing {dark_red}{damage} ({dper}%) {aqua}damage to {blue}{target}{aqua}."


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