
Re-enact mythological battles and rise from a mortal to a fully fledged Demigod as you ally yourself with the Gods and their enemies to the bitter end!


Demigods Plugin Information

This is the BukkitDev plugin information page for Demigods, a full RPG experience designed to bring an endgame to survival/PvP servers.

Not to be confused with other RPG plugins that focus on skills and classes alone--this adds culture and conflict that will keep players coming back after they've maxed out their other levels and found all the diamond deposits in a 50 km radius. Demigods is unique in its system of rewarding players for both adventuring (tributes) and conquering (PvP) with a wide array of fun and useful skills.
To install, simply place the plugin jar file in your plugins folder and run the server. That's it. Everything else is handled automatically.
Key features of this plugin include:

Each deity/race has a passive ability, one or two active abilities, and one ultimate.
The power of their skills is determined by Devotion, a unique measure of how much a player favors that deity.
Devotion can be gained by combat, mining for rare ores, and tributing.
A player can make one shrine per deity they own.
Shrines can be tributed at as well as teleported to.
All players with deities can have any amount of health (up to the thousands).
All health is then scaled to display in the health bar.
Favor is limited to a cap that can be raised by tributing.
Favor is spent on Demigods skills, and is regenerated over time.

...and much more!

More documentation:

  ·  Commands
  ·  Norse Edition Permissions
  ·  Legacy Permissions
  ·  Config File
  ·  Player Debug
  ·  Demigods Norse Edition is licensed under the MIT License. All downloads are subject to said license unless otherwise noted.
  ·  Demigods v2.4 (and lower) is licensed under the AGPLv3. All current versions of Demigods that are not the new Norse Edtion are subject to this license.
  ·  The legacy source code can be found on GitHub.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 25, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 14, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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