Commands and Permissions

To play deathcube your users need deathcube.use permissions.
To create a new cube or change its location you need deathcube.admin permissions or operator.
To manage games or change the config (except from the location) your moderators need deathcube.mod permissions.
To allow users to start games in public mode they need deathcube.start permissions.

Some commands support shortcuts. For example instead of /dc start you can type /dc s. Those shorcuts are marked bold.

/dc select <name> - if the selected cube does not exist a new cube will be created
/dc pos 1|2 - marks your current position as the first|second corner
/dc create - prepares the area for the selected cube
/dc spawn - saves you current position and looking direction as spawn position
/dc bar - creates the blockbar at your position
/dc default <name> - marks a cube as the deathcube
/dc delete <name> - removes an exisiting deathcube

/dc bar reload - reloads the blockbar to update the blocks
/dc new - renews the cube and the stage
/dc start [minutes] - starts a game in x minutes or 15s if left empty
/dc stop - stops the current game
/dc set <key> <value> - set the value of <key> to <value> (ingame configuration)
/dc get <key> - returns the current value for the specific key
/dc open - opens the gates to allow users to play offline
/dc clear - removes cube from startHeight to 255

/dc select <name> - selects a cube if existing
/dc list - prints a list of available deathcubes
/dc timer - displays the active countdowns for the selected cube
/dc tp [name] - teleports the sender into the cube
/dc tpi [name] - teleports the sender into the cube ignoring an empty inventory
/dc leave - to leave the cube area or a running game
/dc food - satisfies the hunger

/dc start - users with deathcube.start permissions can start games
/dc info - displays your current plugin version
/dc help - displays a little help page


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