Sample Config

DeathCountdown Banner

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The configuration for DeathCountdown:

################# DeathCountdown Config #################
#           --- Plugin created by Skepter ---           #
#                                                       #
#               Copyright c Skepter 2013                #
#                                                       #
# All features of this plugin is copyrighted by Skepter #
# =Any form of copying or modifying this plugin is      #
# completely forbidden.                                 #
#                                                       #
#  #

# Configuration Version: DO NOT CHANGE THIS #
# Changing this can cause the database to   #
# break!                                    #

ConfigVersion: 2.0

# When adjusting this Configuration, PLEASE USE SPACES not TABS! #

# Main Configuration - The main stuff you need to have #

#Amount of time you start with
startTime: 2500

#Delay between each time loss (20 = 1 second)
#20 is 1 second by default
delay: 20

#Amount of time you lose if you die in game
timeLost: 100

#Amount of time is removed when the count down activates
amount: 1

#Amount of time you gain if you kill a mob
mobReward: 25

#Amount of time is transferred per click
transferSpeed: 10

#Lore to be added to the clock
clockLore: 'Transfers at 10 time per use'

#Extra Price added to Enchantment tables
#Since players have more experience than usual, 
# increasing the Enchantment price is needed
#Change to 1 to disable
enchantmentMultiplier: 10

# Worlds - Controls all aspects of multiple worlds #

#When you put a world in this list, players will not have ranks, lose time, etc.
#To keep all worlds, use:
# blacklistedWorlds:
#  - 
#Blacklisted worlds will not have any DeathCountdown functions

  - worldname

#Have a different time in each world?
#Note: This feature is currently in progress
#UnSyncedTime: false

# Banning - Controls all aspects involving banning #

#Allow banning per-world instead of on the server as a whole
#If this is enabled, it will be affected to all worlds 
# which are not in the blacklistedWorlds
perWorldBanning: false

#Play sound when player is banned?
banSound: true

#Enable broadcasts when a player is banned?
banBroadcast: true

# Ranks - Allows ranks to be used #

enableRanks: true

#Ranks are defined by the amount of time the player has
#To add Ranks, put it into the list called 'Ranks'

  - desperate
  - low
  - average
  - good
  - great

#Once you add a rank to the list above, please follow the pattern
#to adjust the rank
#The rank MUST have the same name as the one specified in 'Ranks'
#The rank must include a prefix, lowerTime and upperTime
#When adding color to a prefix, please use '&'

    prefix: '&c[Desperate] '
    lowerTime: 0
    upperTime: 100
    prefix: '&e[Low] ' 
    lowerTime: 101
    upperTime: 1000
    prefix: '&a[Average] '
    lowerTime: 1001
    upperTime: 2000
    prefix: '&2[Good] ' 
    lowerTime: 2001
    upperTime: 5000
    prefix: '&b[&6Good&b] ' 
    lowerTime: 5001
    upperTime: 10000

# Extra Configuration - Not required, but useful for full features #

#Check for updates?
updateCheck: false

#Send metrics?
#Metrics helps this plugin by sending small statistics about your server
sendMetrics: true

#Does the owner get the [TimeLord] prefix?
#Requires ranks to be enabled
ownerTimeLord: false

#Prefix for the owner
timeLordPrefix: '&6[TimeLord] '

#Owner's Name
ownerName: Notch

#Enable Votifier support?
votifierSupport: false

#Amount of time you gain if you vote
voteAmount: 100

#Use Experience Bar to show the amount of time?
useXpBar: true

#Give Time Transfer Device on join?
giveTTDevice: true


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