

Config your packages.yml

The configuration is easy. First you start the Plugin once to let the initial files be created. The structure for the DeathChests is set in packages as already mentioned. In the "plugins/DeathChest/packages.yml" the packages are declared. They have the following structure:


  package1: world;world_nether;world_the_end
  package2: sky_world
  package3: some_other_world

So the mainword: "worldpackages:" is always at the top. This is the identifier that there are packages in this file. The packages themselves can be named whatever you want. The worlds-names have to be split by an ';' .

The package structure is the following. It is found in the file: "plugins/DeathChest/packages/<YourPackagenameHere>.yml" (for excample on creation it is in "package1.yml")

Example: (package name here is package1. Has to be the same as the file-name)

    World: world 
    X: 42
    Y: 42
    Z: 42
    World: world
    X: 100
    Y: 100
    Z: 100
    default: 12
    Admin: 100
    VIP: 25
    User: ''

Example: Notch dies in World: world_the_end. His inventory will be transferred to his DeathChest in World: world, because the DeathChest for this package is located in world. Notch is in the Group: VIP so he will get 25 items transferred.

Example2: Notch dies in World: sky_lands. He does neither has the Permission for 'saveafterdeath' in this world, nor does he have the Permission for 'spawnchest' in this world. His inventory will be dropped the usual way.

Example3: Jeb dies in World: sky_lands. He has no DeathChest (either no permission or did not create any), but he has the Permission 'spawnchest'. At his death-location a Chest will spawn with his Inventory.

Example4: Notch dies in World: world. He has 23 items in his inventory, this time he is in the group: "User". The limit for User is free in the config, meaning he will take the default limit for the package, which is 12. So 12 Items will be transferred to his DeathChest. The rest will be dropped at his death-location.

Example5: Notch dies in World: world. He has more than 20 items in his inventory, so 20 items will be picked and transferred. He does not have the permission to create a SpawnChest, so the rest of his Inventory, which is not transferred will be dropped at his death-location.

Example6: Notch dies in World: sky_lands. All Group limits and the default limit are: ' '. This means the Limit will be the one from the config.yml ( plugin.Transfer.limitItems). The Limit there is set to 20. This means 20 of Notch's items will be transferred.

The config section in this section overrides the default-config declared in the config.yml of the plugin.


  1. Highest Priority is the group limit.
  2. If this is empty, the second highest is the default-limit for the package.
  3. If this is empty, the third highest is the limit in the config.yml.

Configure your config.yml


  • plugin.SpawnChest.worldGuardEnable : Enables WorldGuard check. Only lets the Chest Spawn on death, if he is allowed to in WorldGuard.
  • plugin.SpawnChest.checkChestInInventory : Checks if a Player has a chest in his inventory and only then spawns the SpawnChest.
  • plugin.SpawnChest.protectWithLWC : Protects the spawned chest uppon death with LWC if the Plugin is installed.
  • plugin.DeathChest.checkCreationWithLWC : Checks if you place a sign for your DeathChest, if the Chest below is accessable for you with LWC
  • plugin.DeathChest.useLightningBreakDCSign : This tells if someone breaks a sign or he places a new one, the old one will be hit by a lightning (only effect, no damage)
  • plugin.Transfer.limitItems : the amount of Items the transfer should be limit to (default: 100)
  • plugin.Transfer.randomPick : if limit is reached Items will be picked random to be transferred
  • plugin.Transfer.transferEquipped : if true, equiped items (helmet, legs, etc) will be transferred, too.
  • plugin.General.autoTurnOffSoftDependsOptionsOnError : If a soft Dependent Plugin was not found, it will turn off all config options for this plugin, till the next reload
  • plugin.General.remindUpdate : will show you that an update is available at onDisable event (reload/shutdown of server). Needs to be true, to use autoUpdate
  • plugin.General.autoUpdate : if true the Plugin will check on Updates on Plugin disable (Server reload or Server stop).
  • plugin.General.useDeathSpawnType : you can select as SpawnChest type: sign,chest,none Sign is a GraveYard sign, Chest is a normal Chest spawned at the death location. none disables this feature.
  • plugin.SpawnSign.EXPValue : you can change the exp value stored on Death. It is given in Values, not percent (100 = 10000%, 1 = 100%, 0.75 = 75%, ...) (0 = off)
  • plugin.General.useSecureChestInsteadOfLWC : This will use SecureChests instead of LWC (lwc options are the same as SecureChests) (default: false)
  • plugin.SpawnSign.despawnTimeInMin: The time after which GraveSigns will despawn in Minutes (default: 4320).
  • plugin.General.useLocketteInsteadOfLWC: If true uses Lockette instead of LWC. (default: false)
  • plugin.General.checkForBattleNight: checks if player is in Battle in BattleNight (if Plugin is enabled) (default: false)
  • plugin.General.useEXPOrbs: if false, gives EXP directly if using a DeathChest sign or GraveYardSign. (default: true)


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