

The comments in the example config file below show what properties do what.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#  CustomSpawners Configuration #
#       By thebiologist13       #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #


    # Default Spawner Properties
    # These properties are just what is given to a spawner
    # when it is created; they can be changed at any time.
    # Radius of area a spawner can spawn in.
    radius: 16
    # If a spawner block needs to be powered to spawn mobs.
    redstoneTriggered: false
    # Maximum distance a player can be from a spawner for
    # it to spawn.
    maxPlayerDistance: 32
    # Minimum distance a player can be from a spawner for
    # it to spawn.
    minPlayerDistance: 0
    # Should the spawner actually spawn when created?
    active: false
    # Maximum light level on a spawner for
    # it to be able to spawn. (put value 0-15)
    maxLightLevel: 7
    # Minimum light level on a spawner for
    # it to be able to spawn. (put value 0-15)
    minLightLevel: 0
    # Should the spawner be "hidden" from players 
    # when they use spawner listing commands if they
    # do not have permission?
    hidden: false
    # What should the rate (in server ticks: 20 ticks/second)
    # that the spawner spawns mobs at? Make greater than 0.
    rate: 120
    # How many mobs should be spawned each time?
    mobsPerSpawn: 2
    # What should the maximum amount of mobs that a spawner
    # have spawned at one time?
    maxMobs: 64
    # Spawner limits
    # Limits of values for spawner properties. 
    # These can be overridden in permissions with
    # customspawners.limitoverride
    # Radius limit (max)
    radiusLimit: 128
    # MaxPlayerDistance maximum value
    playerDistanceLimit: 128
    # Rate limit (minimum amount of ticks)
    rateLimit: 10
    # Mobs per spawn limit
    mobsPerSpawnLimit: 16
    # Maximum mobs limit
    maxMobsLimit: 256
    # Miscellaneous Spawner Options
    # Should spawned mobs be killed when the
    # plugin is disabled, reloaded, or 
    # /customspawners reload is used. 
    # This saves time saving and loading spawners.
    killOnReload: false

    # Default Entity Properties
    # These properties are just what is given to an entity
    # when it is created; they can be changed at any time.
    # Base type of mob. Note that zombie pigmen are 
    # "pigzombie" and ocelots are "ozelot".
    type: pig
    # Starting age of an entity. Make this an integer
    # or use "BABY" for a baby animal or "ADULT" for 
    # an adult animal.
    age: ADULT
    # Starting health of an entity. Make this an integer
    # but keep in mind every increment of 1 is 1/2 a heart.
    # Use "MINIMUM" for a mob with minimum health (1/2 heart)
    # and "MAXIMUM" for the mob's maximum amount of health.
    health: MAXIMUM
    # Starting air for an entity. Useful if the spawner is deep
    # under water/lava. Use "MINIMUM" for no air and "MAXIMUM"
    # for a full bubble meter for that mob.
    air: MAXIMUM
    # Starting profession of a villager. Allowed values are
    # "PRIEST".
    profession: FARMER
    # Block ID an enderman will be holding. Not all blocks will
    # work. Default is grass.
    endermanBlock: 2
    # Boolean values for some properties. The name should be
    # self-explanatory.
    isSaddled: false
    isCharged: false
    isJockey: false
    isTamed: false
    isAngry: false
    isSitting: false
    # Default type of cat an ocelot is. Allowed values are
    # "BLACK_CAT", "RED_CAT", and "SIAMESE_CAT". Use "NONE"
    # for a wild ocelot.
    catType: NONE
    # Size of slimes and magma cubes. Use an integer value
    # from 1 to 256. Keep in mind the largest natural slimes
    # are only a 4 in size!
    slimeSize: 1
    # Color of sheep when spawned. Allowed values are "BLACK",
    # "SILVER", "WHITE", and "YELLOW".
    color: WHITE 
    # Should entities be passive until provoked?
    passive: false
    # Should damage blacklisting be enabled or disabled by default?
    # Whitelist will be the opposite of this. If this value is true,
    # entities will take all types of damage when created.
    useBlacklist: true
    # Should entities use custom damage variables be default?
    useCustomDamage: false
    # Default amount of damage to deal if the entity is using
    # custom damage.
    dealtDamage: 2 
    # Default potion effect for SplashPotion entities. Use the format
    # <PotionType>_<Level>_<Minutes>:<Seconds>
    potionType: REGENERATION_1_0:0
    # Default experience to drop in Exp Orbs from mobs or experience
    # bottle entities. Going from level 1 to level 30 is 825exp
    experienceDropped: 1
    # Ticks that the fuse on primed TNT entities should last. 20 ticks/second
    fuseTicks: 80
    # Explosive yield. This is the radius of the affected area from fireball
    # and TNT explosions. Does not apply to creepers (yet :D).
    yield: 5.0
    # Incendiary explosives! If this is true, explosives will be incendiary
    # (like ghast fireballs) when they explode!
    incendiary: false
    # Item type for entities of type "DROPPED_ITEM" to be when spawned. Use the
    # format <Item ID>-<Item Damage>. Default is stone.
    itemType: 1-0
    # Should the entity use customized drops by default?
    useCustomDrops: false

    # Which mob types for entities should be 
    # unavailable on the server?
    # Add to the list to disable.
        - giant
        - ender_dragon
        - ender_crystal
        - wither
        - ghast
        - blaze
    # Maximum distance a player can be from a block
    # to set that block as a spawner. May be limited
    # by power of server, but at least 100 blocks always.
    maxDistance: 50
    # Maximum distance a player can be from a spawner
    # to consider it "nearby". This is for the listnear
    # command.
    maxNear: 25

    # Item ID to use for selecting spawn area positions.
    selectionId: 269

    # Would you like to turn the autosave feature on?
    # Spawners and entities are normally saved when the
    # plugin is disabled, but any other way of closing 
    # the server could cause a loss of data without
    # some of the autosave features enabled.
    autosave: true
    # Different times to autosave. 
    # Create a file when a spawner or entity is created?
    saveOnCreate: true
    # Save when any CustomSpawners command is issued.
    saveOnCommand: false
    # Save at an interval in time?
    saveOnClock: true
    # Interval in minutes between saves. This only applies
    # if saveOnClock is true. Note that having lots of
    # spawners and entities then having a short interval
    # here could cause lag.
    interval: 10
    # Broadcast a save message to the server when saving?
    broadcastAutosave: true
    # Broadcast Message for start of save.
    broadcastMessage: CustomSpawners is saving spawners and entities! Expect some lag!
    # Broadcast Message for end of save.
    broadcastMessageEnd: Done saving spawners and entities.
    # How much info should be printed to the console?
    # 0 is no saving/loading info, 1 is some saving/loading info,
    # and 2 is all saving/loading info.
    logLevel: 2
    # Developer Debug Mode
    # Leave false unless you want endless console spam.
    debug: false