
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This plugin will change how you use a noteblock for music and sound

What is this plugin?

This plugin is called CustomNoteblocks. This plugin extends the capabilities of a noteblock to incorporate more sound effects from minecraft. With this plugin, you can play almost any sound effect that exists in vanilla minecraft. Whether it'd be ghast moans, cat meows, pig snorts, or even explosions, noteblocks with this plugin will be able to play them all from noteblocks (with pitch changing as well!). The best part is that it's extremely easy to set up!

How does it work?

You place a sign next to the noteblock you wish to use. The sign must be either north, south, west, east, above, or below the noteblock itself. On the sign, you place noteblock on the first line. Afterward, the special sign is created! You right click the sign to open a special GUI filled with items.


When you hover over an item, it will tell you what the sound this item corresponds to. When you click the item, the sign is updated with the sound you clicked on on line 4 and line 3*. When you hit the noteblock regularly, the noteblock will produce the sound with an artificial note effect. The pitch of that sound corresponds to the 2nd line. This line shows the pitch value as a float, and is crucial for the noteblock to determine which pitch to play the specific sound.

Currently, there are 4 pages of sounds to choose from, giving you a total of 192 different possible sound effects! On each page of the special GUI, there are diamond blocks and gold blocks on the bottom. Diamond block = Go to next page of Sounds to choose from. Gold block = Go to previous page of sounds to choose from.

The way the noteblocks determine how loud to play their notes is determined by a global sound value via configuration file. The default value is 1.6f. Other than that, these noteblocks don't rely on configuration files to figure out how to play these special sound effects.

Also, to tune these noteblocks, you can right-click the noteblock and the pitch will go higher and higher till it reaches a certain point (around 2.0F on the sign, then it goes back to 0.5F). You can use redstone with this plugin as well. The special noteblock functions the same as a normal noteblock should.

  • the number on line 3 corresponds to the sound's specific id within the plugin, crucial in how the plugin deals with playing sounds.

But what if I want to set the pitch to a specific note?

You can do that!

On the last page, you will see a noteblock item. Click this item and you will be led into a new GUI.

Because of minecraft's linear nature, making an accurate representation of a virtual keyboard is impractical. The keyboard is based on natural and sharps (the black wool blocks are a step note higher than the white wool blocks underneath). If you can comprehend how a piano looks like and how to read its notes, these pitch settings will be easy. Once you click on a pitch, the sign will update to the specific pitch (aka. note) you chose. This makes making music a lot more easier than counting clicks.

But what if someone decides to vandalize my noteblocks?

No worries!

On the last page of the special GUI, you'll see a firecharge item. When you click this item, it will protect your sign, which then protects what happens to your noteblock. Your friends won't be able to change the sound effect you set and won't be able to tune the block either.

Commands and permissions


/noteblocksetvolume: This sets how loud all the special noteblocks should be (This is an operator command).

/noteblocksinfo: Shows you information about the plugin

Permissions: Allows players to click on special noteblock signs to select sounds.

NoteBlock.create: Allows players to create special noteblock signs.

NoteBlock.tune: Allows players to tune special noteblocks.


I've had this plugin on the Sync Network for sometime as a private plugin, and now I want to spread it to the minecraft community. I'll be sure to add more features to this plugin in the future.

For anyone who's interested in making Youtube videos using this plugin, you have permission to do so.


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