
CustomMobs v1.2: [24.12.2013]

- First Release

CustomMobs v1.3: [25.12.2013]

- Added: Names of Drops are saved now!

- Added: ColorCodes can be used by Displaynames of Mobs AND Drops with "&"

- Fixxes on Drops (2nd ID on Items wasn't saved successfully!)

- Fixxes on Spawning (Randomly Errors occured)

- Fixxes on Witherskeletons! (Can be really spawned now :D)

- Recoded Spawning Mechanism (Faster, Safer and more Lagg-free spawning!)

- New Command: /cmob reload - Reloads Mobs from files. Needed after every mobcreation!

CustomMobs v1.4: [29.12.2013]

- New Console and CommandBlock Commands for Spawning!

CustomMobs v1.5: [30.12.2013]

- Leatherarmor-Color will be saved now!

- Known bug: An error occurs on /cmob equip. Just download v1.6 - its fixxed there.

CustomMobs v1.6: [04.01.2014]

- Playerheads are saved now!

- Lores of dropped items are all saved when adding it as a drop! (Works now with RPG Items 2! [Request])

- config.yml is completely configurable from ingame! nearly nothing needs to be set in the config.yml manually!!

- Several error fixxes...

CustomMobs v1.7: [22.01.2014]

- Added /cmob spawner <Name>

- Bug fixxes on /cmob equip

- Bug fixxes on itemnames

- Added the down.yml to save spawners data to keep the data even if you restart your server! (DONT delete, modify or change this file except you know what youre doing...)

- Fixxes on the normal mobspawning behavior.

CustomMobs v1.8: [08.02.2014]

- Plugin may crash on /reload

- Added auto-check for newest updates. (can be disabled by config.yml or command)

- Added delay to spawners: /cmob spawner <Mobfilename> [delay > 0] (Delay needs to be bigger than 0! And please at least bigger than 2...)

- Added biome parameter: /cconfig add <FileName> <(GroupSpawning) true/false> [average groupamount] [-biome:<Biomename>] (If biome specified they can only spawn in these biomes!) (List of biomes: >here< - Replace Spaces with _; + with plus; M with mountain) [to use the biome u are currently in type '-biome:curr']

- Fixxes on spawner behavior

- Fixxed the bug that causes mobs got removed from the config if the server got restarted or reloaded.

- Developer Information: reloadCfg() and reloadMobfiles() have a little delay. If you dont want the 5-10 ticks delay than use the deprecated methods with boolean 'true' - be aware that errors may occur then.

CustomMobs v1.9: [01.03.2014]

- Plugin crashes on reload fixxed so far.

- Fixxes on the Updater..

- Fixxes on Filehandling

- Added /Cmob exp <Name> <Expamount> - sets the amount of dropped exp.

- Added -world:Worldname param to /cconfig add [...] - Defines the world it may spawn

- Code cleanup.. :D

CustomMobs v2.0: [13.04.2014]

- Recoded Filehandling

- Added Spawn-Range to the Spawners (can be modified in the config.yml!)

- Added /cmob tool

- Removed all /cmob system commands

- Removed /cmob reload (no longer needed!)

- Fixxed some bugs on spawners

- Added MANY new mobs!

- Code cleanup

- Added option to store Mobs you see with the CustomMobs-Tool!

- Instead of Errors, now Error-Codes will appear if something wents wrong - this helps me to fix problems even faster!

CustomMobs v2.1: [19.04.2014]

- Most of Spawning Errors are fixxed now.

- Every block can be a spawner now!

CustomMobs v2.2: [19.05.2014]

- Fixxes on MobSpawnings

- Fixxed Iron Boots bug.

- Fixxed "-1" bug. (-1 wasn't infinite acutally.)

- Fixxed some randomly selfequipping Mobs by Minecraft. They will no longer equip themselves randomly. (Affects only mobs spawned by CustomMobs.)

- Added /cconfig spawnRate <FileName> <0.0-1.0 (Chance from 0% to 100% / Relative to other mobs)> - Please look at the CommandDescription Page to get more detailed information!

- Fix: CustomMobs will no longer drop the loot of the normal Minecraft Mobs! (for example: CustomMob-Zombies won't drop RottenFlesh anymore.)

If Errors appear because your're using a Config.yml with 'config-version' lower than 2.0, please consider backup, delete and recreate a newer config.yml by deleting the old one!

CustomMobs v2.3: [12.07.2014]

- Fixxes on RandomSpawning handling. Mobs will no longer be spawned 10 blocks in the air. They also won't spawn in blocks anymore. (at least i hope so now... it didn't in some beta tests)

- Added: Additional optional parameter to /cconfig add: [-region:SomeRegionName] - the region has to exist already if you want to specify one. (ONLY for Version WITH worldguard.)

- Added: Command: /cmob cmd <Name> <CommandLine> See Command Descriptions.

- Added: Some missing non-hostile Mobs as new CustomMob-Types.

- Added: New Developer-API Event: "CustomMobDeathEvent"

- Fix: CustomMobs will only drop loot, if they are killed by a Player.

- Added: Multiple Permissions for each Command - /op (Operators) have access to all commands. - customMobs.* still gives access to all commands.

Important Note: There are 2 Versions avaiable to download now. Decide if you need the -region Modifier for your Server or not and keep downloading the Version with or without WorldGuard in the future, depending on what you need. Switching from non-worldguard to a worldguard version CAN cause errors.

Important Note: I highly recommend recreating the config.yml since there are some changes to the config and i'm not sure if all config.yml's from older versions will update smoothly.

CustomMobs v2.4: [20.09.2014]

Added: Respawning of mobs (finally?). See command description how it works.

Added: Spawning Limit of mobs.

Recoded: Spawning Mechanics. See details below.

Recoded: Datahandling. Files with relevant data around the plugin are now more seperated and won't disappear anymore (looking at you Spawnerdata.dat)

Imporant Information: Only compatible with 1.7.x versions now. This comes along with the recoded spawning mechanics.

NEW Spawning Mechanics:

Earlier it wasn't possible to let Cows, Pigs and so on spawn in a desert at daytime. That's acutally possible now. Simply every custommob can now spawn everywhere at any time. This is possible now, because i use the same way as minecraft spawns its mobs. acutally the server thinks he does everything as usual, but the mobs the server spawns are different. Well, this leads to 1 heavy problem: i loose some auto-updating functions, which means: i have to update CustomMobs whenever minecraft updates/Craftbukkit/Sponge in future. so far the plugin only works with 1.7.x versions!

CustomMobs v2.5: [xx.xx.xxxx]

I'm sorry, i don't really remember, it were moslty bugfixxes and stuff.. i kinda rushed this.

CustomMobs v2.51: [22.12.2014]

- Fixxes for SpawnLimit and /cmob cmd

- Filehandling for /crespawn reworked

- Fixxed issue with /cconfig spawnRate <...> 0.0 - won't crash anymore when trying to spawn a mob.

- Fixxed issue where the first mob of a bunch of "group spawned" mobs with /cconfig add <...> didn't get the equipment properly (for instance the first skeleton spawned never got his sword, only a bow - fixxed now)

- SpawnLimit auto-recognition of /butcher, /killall or whatever got removed. Will be reintroduced with v2.6

- Fixxed some problems with biomes and /cconfig specifications


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