

"Pictures on the way"

This is a list of all the new signs that comes in 0.2.5

/cg 0

Type "[0]" without " in the top line

/cg 1

Type "[1]" without " in the top line

/cg 2

Type "[2]" without " in the top line

/cg 3

Type "[3]" without " in the top line

/cg 4

Type "[4]" without " in the top line

/cg 5

Type "[5]" without " in the top line

/cg -1

Type "[-1]" without " in the top line

/cg -2

Type "[-2]" without " in the top line

/cg -3

Type "[-3]" without "

/cg -4

Type "[-4]" without "

/cg -5

Type "[-5]" without " in the top line

/cg remove

Tyoe "[remove]" without " in the top line


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