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Cursus Conundrum

This Plugin adds Curses to the game. Curses are mighty spells with nasty sideeffects.

If you have a bug and want to ticket it, please assure you are using the newest version (At the moment: BETA 1.1).

Download the newest version now (for MC1.9-1.9.2)

The Curses

  • The Ender Curse:

    Every now and then a cursed player slowly takes damage, unless he's holding a Block. This makes using Tools quite painful.
    The effect goes away after a while, but it will return.
    The Curse is lifted automatically after it came to effect a certain amount of times.
    The amount can be changed in the configuration (default is 5)
  • The Vampire Curse:

    No, it won't give you the ability to turn in to a bat. It just let you burn if exposed to sunlight. That's it.
    To lift the curse you have to eat a golden apple.
  • The Jumper Curse

    Your matter is highly unstable. You will be teleported randomly through all of the servers worlds (you can exclude worlds in the configuration)
    Don't worry, there is an alghorithm to prevent cheap deaths like Lava, falling damage,suffocation and drowning
    To lift the curse "eat" a ghast tear (eating animation doesn't work as because it's managed on the client's side)
  • The Pig Curse

    Your hunger bar goes down faster. Also, your saturation will fall faster
    To lift the curse eat a pumpkin pie
  • The Creeper Curse

    The cursed one will explode everytime, a player, mob or animal comes close (3 Block radius), killing him afterwards. Just like a creeper.
    Everyone around him takes damage. Block damage can be turned off in the configuration
    To lift this curse eat a peace of cake
  • The Clumsiness Curse

    If you use a Tool/Weapon you may hurt yourself. Fighting with a stone sword will earn you some scratches. Using diamond or gold Sword could kill you in seconds
    here's an image explaining the random damage system

    to lift the curse "eat" 5 diamonds (eating animation doesn't work as because it's managed on the client's side)
  • The Undead Curse

    Turns a player into a Zombie. Almost.
       • Wearing an helmet is not possible
       • Damage reduction by 3 (like wearing an undamaged diamond helmet)
       • Greater sensibility to Fire and Lava
       • Player burns if exposed to sunlight
       • Potion effects are swapped (harming<=>healing poison<=>regeneration)
       • Player can only eat raw meat
       • Player will respawn on the location, he was cursed, no matter where his normal spawnpoint is
       • There's an "aura of death", poisoning everything staying close to the cursed player (3 Block radius) for too long
    To lift this curse eat a golden apple with the anticurse bound to it (see anticurse)
  • The Anticurse aka the Uncurse

    This mighty spell can lift all curses and can only be casted directly on mobs, items or players to uncurse them <s>or on an enhanced golden Apple which will save it's power</s> partly implemented

The Permissions

There are only three of them:
  • cc.curse - allows a player to use curses
  • cc.pass - makes a player immune to any kind of curses
  • cc.admin - allows a player to use the administrative commands "config" and "perms"

The Command

/cc info/curse/uncurse/perms/config

Arguments and Their Usage

  • info - shows a beautifully framed help screen
  • curse - casts a curse
    usage: curse mob/player/<s>item</s> [curse] - you need to look at the mob/player <s>or hold the item in your hand</s>
           or: curse player [playername] [curse] - the player needs to be online
    permission needed: cc.curse

  • uncurse - shortcut to cast the anticurse (=uncurse something)
    usage: uncurse mob/player/<s>item</s> - you need to look at the mob/player <s>or hold the item in your hand</s>
           or: uncurse player [playername] - the player needs to be online
    permission needed: cc.curse

  • Arguments for [curse] are:
    • ender
    • vampire
    • jumper
    • pig
    • creeper
    • clumsiness
    • undead
    • uncurse
    • anticurse

  • perms - toggles a permission for a player. You may use an external plugin if you want
    usage: perms [permission] [playername]
    perms purge - deletes the permission configuration. Use this if you used this plugin's command and want to switch to an external plugin or errors may happen
    permission needed: cc.admin

  • Arguments for [permission] are:
    • curse
    • pass
    • admin

  • Config - sets a configuration point. All changes are immediate
    for booleans: config [config]
    for lists: config [config] add|remove [value]
    for integers: config [config] [value]
    to get the current state: config [config] show
    permission needed: cc.admin
  • Arguments for [config] are:
    • visibleonitems
    • visibleonmobs
    • visibleonplayers
    • cursebylook
    • cursebyarg
    • undeadonapples
    • undeadonmobs
    • creeperbreakblocks
    • endertimesofapp
    • jumperexcludelist

The Curse Visibility

if visibleonmobs is enabled the cursed creature will get a "curse tag". If it has a custom name the "curse tag" will be added in front of it. Curse Tag with Name: Clumsiness Curse Tag: Creeper Curse Tag: Ender Curse Tag: Jumper Curse Tag: Pig Curse Tag: Vampire Curse Tag: Undead Curse Tag: if visibleonplayers is enabled the number of curses a player has will be shown under the name


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 15, 2016
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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