Updating to b0.5 (Player names to UUIDs)

Updating to CrystalQuest Beta 0.5


Mojang has decided to allow players to change their name in the 1.8 update. Every player has it's own UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) and all playernames of the same player will have the same UUID. To give us developers and server owners a chance to update our servers to this new way of storing data and to make sure people can't abuse anything using name changes, they put out a 1.7.6-update out before they actually implement this feature. Following this guide will make sure the conversion of playernames to UUIDs will last perfectly.

Servers running CraftBukkit or Spigot

  • Make sure you're running the latest dev/beta/recommended build of CraftBukkit/Spigot.
  • Close down your server entirely.
  • Make a backup of your current data.yml to prevent errors destroying all data.
  • Then update the CrystalQuest plugin.
  • Start your server. Once CrystalQuest gets loaded you will see a screen telling you it is converting players. This can take a few minutes. All UUID data has to be retrieved from the Mojang's website which will take some time.
  • When the server is done converting, it will show a message that everything has been converted, and the plugin is now ready for everyday use.
  • Make sure your server is running in online-mode=true. Otherwise the server won't retrieve the right UUIDs.
  • Once all the data is converted, the server no longer has to undertake these steps and the plugin should behave normally from now on.

Servers running BungeeCord

  • Make sure you're running Spigot #1179 or higher.
  • Make sure you're running BungeeCord #711 or higher.
  • Close down your (CrystalQuest-)server entirely.
  • Make a backup of your current data.yml to prevent errors destroying all data.
  • In the spigot.yml found within your Spigot server's root directorties, ensure that you have set bungeecord to true. From build #24 onwards a list of server ip is not required.
  • In the BungeeCord config.yml file, ensure that ip_forward: is set to true
  • The official Spigot-post can be found here.
  • Then update the CrystalQuest plugin.
  • Start your server. Once CrystalQuest gets loaded you will see a screen telling you it is converting players. This can take a few minutes. All UUID data has to be retrieved from the Mojang's website which will take some time.
  • When the server is done converting, it will show a message that everything has been converted, and the plugin is now ready for everyday use.
  • Once all the data is converted, the server no longer has to undertake these steps and the plugin should behave normally from now on.


If you are still confused, you can always PM me, tweet me @CaneyDearie, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. I'm always in for a chat.



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