



If you already have ProtocolLib installed, the only setup required is to place Cruelty in the plugins folder. If you do not have ProtocolLib installed, download it from ProtocolLib and place it in the plugins folder.


If the server is intended for users who read English, no additional setup is required. If the server is intended for users who do not read English, please see the Language section below.


cruelty.attack.crash: Allows the user to crash a player with /cruelcrash
cruelty.attack.freeze: Allows the user to freeze a player's client with /cruelfreeze
cruelty.attack.feign: Allows the user to fake a player's death with /cruelfeign
cruelty.attack.invfuck: Allows the user to fuck with a player's inventory using /cruelinventoryfuck
cruelty.attack.spam: Allows the user to spam a player's chat box with /cruelspam
cruelty.attack.dos: Allows the user to simulate a DoS attack on a player with /crueldos
cruelty.attack.scream: Allows the user to spam a player's speakers with an extremely load sound using /cruelscream
cruelty.attack.trip: Allows the user to make a player's screen look trippy with /crueltrip
cruelty.attack.nothingness: Allows the user to send a player to the psudo-world of nothingness with /cruelnothingness
cruelty.immune.crash: Gives the user immunity to /cruelcrash
cruelty.immune.freeze: Gives the user immunity to /cruelfreeze
cruelty.immune.feign: Gives the user immunity to /cruelfeign
cruelty.immune.invfuck: Gives the user immunity to /cruelinventoryfuck
cruelty.immune.spam: Gives the user immunity to /cruelspam
cruelty.immune.dos: Gives the user immunity to /cruelsdos
cruelty.immune.scream: Gives the user immunity to /cruelscream
cruelty.immune.trip: Gives the user immunity to /crueltrip
cruelty.immune.nothingness: Gives the user immunity to /cruelnothingness


If you are using a GUI environment, you can set the language by double clicking on the plugin and choosing an installed language.

If you are using a console environment, you have to save a file with the following contents in bukkit_directory/plugins/Cruelty/config.txt:


Language Codes

enUS: English, United States
enGB: English, United Kingdoms (currently the same as enUS)
itIT: Italian, Italy (incomplete)

Custom /cruelspam Messages

Add the following values to the configuration file to use custom spam messages:

spam.join=&e${NAME} joined the game.
spam.leave=&e${NAME} left the game.
spam.speak=<${NAME}> ${MESSAGE}

The custom messages support the following variables:

${NAME} - the name of the 'bot'
${MESSAGE} - the message the 'bot' says. This only applies to 'spam.speak'
&X - where X is a color or formatting code.