

Settings for connecting to or running as a host:

  • isHost True/False. If true a host service will start when the server is restarted
  • hostAddress The address of the host you want to connect with. If isHost is true this must be
  • hostPort The port the host will be listening at. Hosts and non-hosts must have the same port number here
  • hostPassCode A code used to authenticate clients to host. Hosts and non-hosts must have the same pass code

Settings for setting up the client this server will run

  • clientName The name you want this server to identify itself as (Shorter is better)
  • connectOnStart True/False whether the client should attemp to connect to the host when the server is restarted
  • crossTalkOnJoin True/False whether when a player connects to the server they should automatically join the servers CrossTalk network
  • useDisplayNames True/False whether you want to use nicknames and colours in player names coming from other servers
  • playerJoins The message a player will receive when they join the CrossTalk network
  • playerLeaves The message a player will receive when they leave the CrossTalk network
  • serverJoins The message that is sent to all CrossTalk players when a server joins the network
  • serverLeaves 'The message that is sent to all CrossTalk players when a server leaves the network

Default Config File

#                                    #
#         CrossTalk Settings         #
#                                    #
# Settings for connecting to or running as a host
  isHost: false
  hostPort: 35432
  hostPassCode: 'passcode'
  localServersOnly: false
# Settings for setting up the client this server will run
  clientName: 'Server Name Here'
  connectOnStart: false
  crossTalkOnJoin: true
  useDisplayNames: false
    playerJoins: 'You have connected to CrossTalk'
    playerLeaves: 'You have disconnected from CrossTalk'
    serverJoins: '{server} has joined the CrossTalk network'
    serverLeaves: '{server} has left the CrossTalk network'
# Enabled or disable debug messages
debug: false