

Creating an Race Arena

First of all you have to create an arena.
/crazyarena create <Name> Race

Then disable it
/crazyarena disable <Arena>
and set arena to edit mode
/crazyarena edit <Arena>
and select it
/crazyarena select <Arena>

Now you can edit the arena.
First of all editing: Create the player spawns.
/crazyarena playerspawns add
You have to add a spawn point for at least two players.

Now you can add race stages.
/crazyarena racestage add
will add a new waypoint at your current location.
The last waypoint is automatically the goal.
If you are using a sightseeing tour for your race, you can name them too.
/crazyarena playerspawns add name:<String>

At least you can add a spectator spawn.
One is enough.
/crazyarena spectatorspawns add

Now you have finished your arena.
Just enable it
/crazyarena enable <Name>
and test it.
/join <Arena>

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