Use with other plugins

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The bro names that are assigned in this plugin are very accessible and can be used in other plugins. Chat plugins that allow you to configure the exact message format usually allow you to include the variables "name" and "displayname" (or something similar to that). When you use this plugin, "name" will be the person's actual username and "displayname" will be their bro name. Here are some other plugins and how you should set them up:

  • iChat: Very compatible, I recommend this chat manager! For example, to make chat look like "[Admin] Brodo Baggins (oxguy3): o hai thar", set the first 2 lines of your iChat config to this:
    iname-format: '[+group] +displayname (+name)'
    message-format: '+iname: +message'

    iChat is very malleable, so you can play around with that to make it look exactly as you want it. You can also use these variables for the 'me-format' if you want.
  • mChat: Also very compatible, here is a line from the config that will achieve the same result as above:
    mchat-message-format: '[+group] +dname (+name): +message'

    You can also make similar changes for the mchat-playerEvent-format and mchat-name-format lines of the config.
  • HeroChat: This plugin, to the best of my knowledge, does not have seperate variables for name and displayname, and therefore cannot be used very effectively with this plugin. Sorry guys.

  • CommandBook: If you want, you can make CommandBook use bro names instead of usernames in messages such as "oxguy3 slapped Evil_Notch" or "sk89q set the time of 'world' to 8:00am". If you set "use-display-names" to true in CommandBook's config, those messages can become "Broprah Winfrey slapped Yoko Brono" or "Brony the Tiger set the time of 'world' to 8:00am". (this is admittedly not very useful, but it sure is funny!)

  • There are many more plugins that can utilize display names, so have fun with it! :D

DEVELOPERS: This plugin also has an API! There's a Javadocs here, but I suck about updating it so you might be better off just looking at the source code in the plugin JAR file.