main/Error guideline

Guideline to handle API runtime errors

Before posting anything...

  1. Make sure you use the latest CraftBukkit recommended / beta version.
  2. Make sure you use the latest API or plugin version.
  3. Search the tickets for an error similar to yours, if it is already existing, do not post a new ticket. Instead, post a comment to the existing ticket.

Native Interface error

If you (as a plugin developer or server administrator) are ever confronted with an error starting like this:

Quote from error log:

[SEVERE] de.ntcomputer.minecraft.controllablemobs.implementation.nativeinterfaces.system.ServerReflectionException: Controllable Mobs API detected an incompatibility between the API and this CraftBukkit version. [...]

then create a new ticket with the following format:

  • Title: "Incompatible CB <CraftBukkit version here>: <information given in the error between +++ and +++ here>"
  • Type: Defect
  • Description: Put the full error log here, give information about when the error occured and how the error could be reproduced.
  • Component: Native Interfaces
  • If you create a ticket this way, I will fix the error as soon as possible.

Other errors

If you discover an error, create a new ticket with the following format:

  • Title: <Choose a good, accurate title (NOT something like "it doesn't work")>
  • Type: Defect
  • Description: Put the full error log here, give information about when the error occured and how the error could be reproduced.
  • Component: <Select a component that matches the error category best. If there is not such a component, leave it blank.>


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