
Create a contest

To create a contest, simply type

/ca start <contest name>

Now, you've created the contest. Users can now submit their entries as they want. However, you may want to describe contest better than just name. Like specify rules, description, ban someone or so. To enter description, type

/ca mod <contest name> desc <description>

Similar for rules:

/ca mod <contest name> rules <rules>
<</code mc>>
Note: No mistake in this, the 1st rules specify name of property and second is for you to enter them.
If you want to ban someone, type
<<code mc>>
/ca mod <contest name> banned add <player name> 
If you accidentally ban someone, you can remove the ban by typing
<<code mc>>
/ca mod <contest name> banned remove <player name> 
You can also rename the contest by
<<code mc>>
/ca mod <old contest name> name <new contest name> 
Now, users can find your contest by typing
<<code mc>>
/ca list
and find out more about it with
<<code mc>>
/ca info <contest name> 
If they're not banned from contest, they just build their entry, stand in front of it and type
<<code mc>>
/ca sub <contest name> 
<</code>>. Standing in front of it is important, because the judge during judging will be teleported to the location where the player was standing while submitting the entry. Player can now simply teleport to his entry by
<<code mc>>
/ca tp <contest name> 
If they accidentally submit something they haven't wanted to, removing is also possible by
<<code mc>>
/ca unsub <contest name> 
Once contest reaches its end, admin can simply stop it by 
<<code mc>>
/ca stop <contest name> 
. That prevents users from posting new entries.
Then, for easy judging, there's a command 
<<code mc>>
/ca tpord <contest name> 
<</code>> which TPs judge to all entries in order so he doesn't have to type player name.
However, if judge found a nice entry which he wants to look at again, he can type
<<code mc>>
/ca tp <contest name> <player name> 
what teleports him to player's entry to specific contest.
After judging's over, judges may want to announce winner. It's again simple:
<<code mc>>
/ca win <contest name> <player name> 
Admins may want to remove contest data later, so there's a command specifically for this:
<<code mc>>
/ca purge <contest name> 
However, to prevent misclicks or so, they have to confirm it by:
<<code mc>>
/ca purge confirm

That's it from creating, through modifying and removing the contest data. Check examples page if you're still confused.


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