

Automatically set up on first run with plugin enabled. Will create an example config using all of your present worlds with sample points. You may have as many spawn points as you wish.
Example Config

Worlds: #Worlds that this plugin is enabled in.
- Default
- Another example world
ExperiencePerLevel: 1 #Sets the experience multiplier per level for mob. ie level 3 mob will drop the normal xp + 3 if this setting is 1.
NamePlatesAlwaysVisible: false #Should we always have nameplates on? 
HeroesExperience: false #If you are using heroes and want the xp to scale with level
SkillAPIExperience: false #IF you are using skillAPI and want the xp to scale with level
Default: #Settings for this particular world. Make sure this name and the name under worlds are the same, and the EXACT name of your world.

  DistancePerLevel: 35 #Distance from a spawn point to increase level
  DamageModifierEnabled: false #Whether or not my plugin will modify damage for this world.
  MaxLevel: 0 #MaxLevel a mob can be in a world set to 0 if there is no max level
  HealthMultiplier: 0.2 #Used for calculating health
  DamageMultiplier: 0.5 #Used for calculating damage
  MobArenaExperience: true #Do we nerf mob xp drop in arena?
  MobArenaExperienceScale: 0.2 #What percent of orig xp do we wanna drop in MA.
  MoneyDrops: false # Whether or not you want my plugin to handle dropping money (more config for this coming)
  HologramUtils: false #Do you want to use holograms to display xp/money?
  LevelNameFormat: '&6[Lvl:&e#&6]' #This is the tag I put on the npc, now you can change and modify it. It uses all basic MC color codes. The # sign is where my plugin will put the level. If there is not a # in this then it will use the same tag for every mob.
  UsePrefix: true #Do you want the level name in the front of name?
  UseSuffix: true #Do you want the level name behind the name?
  TitleXp: true #Do you want to use titles for xp notifications?
  TitleMoneyDrop: true #Do you want to use titles for money notifications?
  Spigot1-8: true #MUST be true for any of Title settings to work.
    spawn1: #Must be formatted as spawn#, can have as many spawns as you want
      MobArenaWaveLeveling: true #Does each wave of mobs increment mobs in the arena's level
      startLevel: 1 #level to start the mob off at
      x: 0
      y: 0
      z: 0
      MobArenaWaveLeveling: true #Does each wave of mobs increment mobs in the arena's level
      startLevel: 1 #level to start the mob off at
      x: 100
      y: 100
      z: 100


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