
Welcome to CommandSmelt!

What is this plugin?

This plugin is a solution to the much resented problem of; one not having enough time to smelt items or two not having the resources to craft the required components. Instead of the user having to place down a furnace, a command can be utilised which will deduct the amount of coal in your inventory equal to the amount of the smeltable item the player is holding. Due to the nature of the plugin, it is not a problem you do not have enough room in your inventory. But do make sure that if you only want to smelt a certain amount of items then you seperate those into another hand, or if you want to do it all just hold the desired amount in hand. Remember, it will not smelt from your inventory, but just the hand!

How do I use this plugin?

So, if you want to smelt the items, you hold the amount in hand you want, with an equal amount of coal or more in your hand. The plugin will identify the amount of numbers and use this when deducting the coal and give you the smelted items. You then type in the command '/smelt' and it will smelt the items, a message will print telling you how much coal was used and what you smelted.

Is there a video for help?


  • /smelt - This gives you the cook version of the items in your hand
  • /helper smelt - Tells you all the commands within the plugin - More to be added soon!


  • smelt.use - Once there is more commands, there will be more permissions! - You can also op yourself to get the permission or give yourself '*' - Learn how to use permissions

Future commands

Soon I am hoping to add in a medley of commands, extending beyond my original intentions of this plugin!

  • /fsmelt - Doesn't need coal
  • /nsmelt [number] - Smelt a specific number
  • /smeltall - Smelts all the items in your inventory

Once this plugin has lift off, I will get to work on doing these commands

Future capabilities

Soon I am hoping to add a money system, and even additional sources of fuel, depending on the feedback I get! I am not exactly sure on how all of these hoped futures are going to work but it should only be a matter of changing the code a little bit, hopefully!

Smeltable items

Some items were excluded from the list because of problems but these were the ones I know are able to work!

- rawfish, diamondore, goldore, redstoneore, ironore, cobblestone, rawbeef, rawpork, rawchicken, potato, sand, clay, netherrack, netherquartzore, emeraldore!

Config settings

These are all the config settings and what they do!

This is what shows in the chat prior to the message printed!

This is how much exp you get from smelting a diamond, it is 0 by default as it is very OP!

This is the message shown when the player has insufficient amounts of coal!

This is the message shown when the item being held isn't smeltable!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 24, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jun 28, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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