
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Easy custom commands, in a config file

CommandRegister is a plugin, which allows you to create custom commands, like e.g. /info, /vote, /ranks etc... Which will send configurable lines of text to the player.


I have often been wanting to create custom commands on the fly, without having to code them by hand, which lead me to code this plugin, which the only thing that is required, is you to configure the config file

Easily create custom commands, that sends text to the player
The new 1.7 JSON chat message format, is supported, but only if you've got ProtocolLib installed on your server
Permissions support allows you to only allow certain players to use the commands using your own custom permission nodes
Color code support allows for your messages to be colorful

Commands and Permissions

/cr or /cmdregistercommandregister.command.cmdregisterShows information of the CommandRegister commands
/cr reload or /cmdregister reloadcommandregister.command.cmdregisterReloads the CommandRegister configuration file.


To configure the plugin simply go to edit the config.yml in the plugins folder. A lot of the things are rather self explanatory + There's 2 examples added in the default config file.

    permission: 'permission.node'
    json: false
    - 'Line 1'
    - 'Line 2'
    - 'Line 3'
cmdnameName of the command (e.g. /cmdname)
permissionPermission node for restrictions
jsonAllows you to turn json on or off (Depends on ProtocolLib)
linesThe lines that are being sent to the player


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