
Configuration line Parameter Description
afk.immune True/False When semeone is afk, set him in "God" mode.
motd Text in a list
Ex: - This is
- a MOTD
The message of the day
chat.PMFormat String The format of the PM. Variables are:
{From}: From who
{To}: To who
{Message}: The message
chat.broadcastMessage String The format of the broadcast. Variables are:
{Message}: The message
chat.meFormat String The format of the /me command. Variables are:
{Player}: The player the command come from
{Message}: The message
ban.MCBans.enable True/False Enable the Built-in support for MCBans
ban.MCBans.apikey String Your MCBans server API key
ban.MCBans.maxAlt Integer How much alts account you allow per user.
ban.MCBans.AltEnabled True/False Enable the Alt account check
ban.MCBans.minRep Integer The lowest MCBans reputation you allow on your server.


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