Frequently asked Questions

My Name keeps beeing a certain color/Name in tablist or is idkBOSSadminmod

Check if you are inheriting permissions and set it to not inherit this permission.
In PermissionsEx like this:
- #coloredtablist.yellow
If you are using the '*' node from permissionsEx configurate it like this:

    - coloredtablist.blue #thats the color permissions you actually want
    - coloredtablist.cmd.coloredtablist #so you can still use the command
    - -coloredtablist.* #that negats every coloredtablist permission
    - '*'

Why doesnt it show my full name?

Thats simply because 16 Characters are max. in the List but One Color takes 2 Characters, so ColoredTablist has to make the Name shorter ;)

Getting Messages in Console or in Game

Follow the steps on point 1!

Compatibility Version

The Compatibility Version is a "cut down" Version of the actual plugin Version. It doesn't provide the Invisibility Feature to be more compatible to new or old Craftbukkit versions. Beside the Invisibility it comes with every other Feature the main Version provides.

ColoredTablist 2.1.0 checks for compatibility and disables the Invisibility Feature itself so for 2.1.0 and higher is only 1 Version.


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