

CODStats is a basic kill and death tracking system, it also has a basic killstreak system.

The main purpose for this plugin was to make a very simple, very quick, and super easy to setup plugin that supports both, kill/death tracking, and killstreaks.

This can use either MySQL (Server Database) or SQLite (aka, flatfile), this allows it to have be very fast.

The killstreak system is very simple, you just put a killstreak in the config (name, kills needed, prize) and you can specify a command as the prize (IE: /give, /effect, or /op :P), which gives you a lot of control over the killstreaks!


This plugin has two basic commands: The /pvp (/pvpstats, /stats, /stat) command, which is the command used for check stats. And the /pvpa (/pvpadmin, /statsadmin, /statadmin) command, which is used for admin commands.


This command can be used without any arguments to check your own stats, or with one argument to check someone else stats, as follows:

/pvp: to check your own stats.

/pvp <username>: to check someone elses stats.


This command has a few different options, most aren't super useful, but nice to know, the are as follows:

/pvpa: will list all the commands and a brief description of each.

/pvpa set <item> <player> <value>: this will set a curtain item for a player (manual control over someones stats), item can be kills, deaths, killstreak.

/pvpa send: will send all the current stats to the database (can be used if you think the server may crash, or similar).

/pvpa reload: will reload the configuration (config.yml and killstreaks.yml) from disk.

/pvpa killstreaks: will list all the currently active killstreaks.


Since this is a fairly basic plugin it doesn't have very many permissions, the few it does have:

cod.check: Allows check of all pvp stats, cod.check.self and cod.check.other can also be used.

cod.admin: Allows access to the admin commands (IE: /pvpadmin).


This plugin isn't very hard to configure, but it may make it a little easier if you read this.


trackDeathByMob: which will allow the plugin to track a players death even if it isn't pvp related.

canTrackOtherStats: this is not used yet.

killstreakMessage: this is the message sent to a player when they receive a killstreak, it will automatically replace {kills} with how many kills they have and {killstreak} with the name of the killstreak.

useMySQL: this lets you [ick if you want to use MySQL, or SQLite (Flatfile, no configuration necessary).

MySQL: if you are using MySQL you will need to fill in these fields.


This is the file where you can setup killstreaks, they are not very hard to setup, there is also two example killstreaks setup already.

Anyways, this is the format you use to setup a killstreak:

- Name, Kills Needed, Prize Command

Remember that kills needed needs to be a number, and that prize command is the command ran from console when they reach the killstreak.



This is still a major WIP (Work In Progress), which means there may still be a few bugs. If you find any, it would be extremely helpful if you commented with them here.


  • Add a very nice global message feature for killstreaks
  • Suggestings?


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