Circuit Detector

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Circuit Detector

Are you tired of continuously looping circuits which lag the server, and want to discover where those circuits are and even destroy them? Circuit Detector allows you to do all that and more.


  • Detect running redstone circuits, and now piston contraptions also
  • Find the location of running redstone circuits and piston contraptions
  • Automatically destroy redstone circuits and piston contraptions after they have been activated too frequently


The video is now a bit outdated, but still shows the basic concept.


/cd stat : Tells some statistics about the server.
/cd log : Toggles telling the player about redstone events occuring on the server, such as when redstone torches toggle, redstone activates, repeaters activate etc.
/cd unlog : Stops telling the player. You can actually just type /cd log again and it will do the same thing. This command exists just for novelty.
/cd list : Lists all locations which have been causing redstone/piston events on the server within the past 60 (or however configured) seconds.
/cd kill (<x> <y> <z>) : Destroys any circuit connected to the block at xyz. Do /cd kill with no arguments to kill the circuit the player is standing on.
/cd set ([threshold/refresh] <int>) : Sets one of two variables, threshold or refresh time. Do /cd set with no arguments to see the current value of the variables.

threshold: Allows a circuit to loop <int> times before automatically destroying it using the same method as /cd kill. When the value is 0, circuits may loop indefinitely. Default value is 0.
refresh: The amount of time in seconds in which all violations are periodically refreshed to 0.

Command Examples

/cd kill : Will kill the circuit the current player is standing on.
/cd kill 0 64 0 : Kills the circuit at x=0, y=64, z=0 if it exists.
/cd set threshold 50 : Sets the threshold for auto circuit destruction to 50 pulses.
/cd set: Shows the current values of all variables.

Permissions : Allows use of all Circuit Detector commands.


  • Use /cd log to discover redstone/piston events, especially recurring ones.
  • Use either /cd kill <x> <y> <z> to destroy the circuit, or teleport to the location of the circuit to destroy it yourself, or perhaps discover who built the circuit.
  • Or, automatically destroy repeating circuits by setting the threshold to a positive integer, so that when a circuit repeats this many times, the circuit is destroyed.


Inside the configuration file (config.yml), there are two configurable values:
threshold: Allows a circuit to loop <int> times before automatically destroying it using the same method as /cd kill. When the value is 0, circuits may loop indefinitely. Default value is 0.
refresh: The amount of time in seconds in which all violations are periodically refreshed to 0.


  • The # of events which a certain location has had is reset every 60 seconds (or whatever you configure it).
  • Manual redstone activation also counts as a redstone event (pressing a button to push a piston), so do not set the threshold to be too low or the refresh time to be too high or else players' semi-automatic contraptions will be destroyed (this may be changed in a future update).


- Add support for logging to files
- Smarter circuit detection (besides repeated powering)
- Support other redstone devices like doors and comparators
- Support exempting certain regions from auto destruction



I have decided to make this project open source so people can contribute whatever they want to the project. The repository is here:
GitHub Repository

If you find any bugs, file an issue using the built-in ticket button beside the download button, or on the GitHub issue tracker (preferred).
Feel free to suggest any ideas in the comments or with a ticket, or in the form of a pull request if you can program.


This project uses Fanciful for JSON text.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 25, 2014
  • Last Released File
    May 31, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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