
Full Changelog

See for a full developer changelog

v2.5.2 (31 Jul 2014)

v2.5.1 (18 Jun 2014)

  • This release requires CraftBukkit 1.7.9-R0.1 or later.
  • Built against VaultAPI 1.4; as economy plugins are updated, ChessCraft will now automatically support their UUID functionality. ChessCraft will log a warning on startup if you're running Vault 1.2 since proper UUID support requires Vault 1.4.
  • If you are also running Landslide, ChessCraft will now prevent any block sliding on chess boards.
  • Fixed exception thrown when running ChessCraft without Vault installed:
  • Performance improvements for block drawing of large boards (or rather, fixes to loss of performance since MC 1.7 due to changing internals for block relighting - thanks @deltahat!)
  • Fixed the text for a couple of messages.

v2.5.0 (23 Apr 2014)

  • Support for CB 1.7.8/1.7.9. ChessCraft v2.5.0 is not supported on CraftBukkit releases earlier than 1.7.6.
  • Big player name => UUID migration: game save files now store the player's UUID instead of name and will function correctly if a player changes their name (via the upcoming Mojang feature). Any saved games will be auto-migrated to use UUID's - no manual intervention is needed.
  • As part of the migration, the player's display name is now used for display purposes instead of the player's internal name. E.g. displayed names will include markup added by chat plugins etc.
  • Old-style player names are still used for Economy support for now, since Vault does not (yet) provide an API supporting UUID's. If & when Vault and all economy plugins add full support for UUID's, ChessCraft will be updated to support them too.
  • Game results are still stored with old-style player names for now, so your game history (including ladder/league score) will be reset if you change your name. Full name -> UUID migration in archived results will likely happen in a future release.
  • Various bug fixes and code cleanup.

v2.4.5 (4 Apr 2014)

v2.4.4 was pulled due to concerns over unused classes in the JAR (see Chesspresso note above)

v2.4.3 (21 Feb 2014)

v2.4.2 (2 Dec 2013)

  • CraftBukkit 1.7.2 support. Note that CB 1.7.2 is in early development phase and should not be considered stable at this time. Entity boards will need a dev release of Citizens (2.0.11). ProtocolLib is not yet available for CB 1.7.2 (at the time of this release).
  • Fix: on entity boards, a pawn captured via en passant was not properly removed from the board (internal game model was correct, visual representation was wrong).

v2.4.1 (26 Sep 2013)

v2.4.0 (24 Sep 2013)

  • CraftBukkit 1.6.4 supported.
  • CraftBukkit 1.5.x and earlier is no longer supported.
  • Entity-based chess sets are now supported! This release includes one board style and piece style (both called "entity") to demonstrate the new functionality. Use /chess create board <name> -style entity to create one. See Piece Styles for more information on entity chess sets. The Citizens2 plugin is required if you want to use entity sets.
  • Added soft dependency on ProtocolLib. If you're using entity chess sets, ProtocolLib is strongly recommended, to quieten down the entities on the board and preserve players' sanity...
  • Basic Dynmap support added: if the Dynmap plugin is present, chess boards will be marked on the map along with some data about games and players, if any. See Dynmap Support.
  • When a piece is selected, the square under it is now highlighted (with yellow wool by default, but this is configurable via the "highlight_selected" attribute in Board Styles.
  • The game creator is now auto-teleported to the game, if "auto_teleport_on_join" is true. Previously only the invited player would be teleported.
  • Added new setting "auto_teleport_on_start", if you would prefer to teleport players when the game starts.
  • Game results SQL tables are now prefixed with "chesscraft_" by default. Existing tables will be auto-renamed. The prefix is configurable via the "database.table_prefix" setting. This was done in case you want to store ChessCraft and Checkers results data in the same DB instance (previously, table names clashed).
  • The game is now less verbose by default (e.g. piece selected messages are no longer sent). Previous functionality can be restored with the "verbose" boolean config setting.
  • Falling blocks which land on a chessboard will now drop an item instead of forming a block (assuming the falling block entity was actually set to drop an item).
  • Some fixes to block placing and breaking for the black pieces area when in Piece Designer mode.
  • Tab completion now works on the console with CB 1.6.4 (technically a CraftBukkit change, but worth mentioning).

v2.3.4 (16 Jul 2013)

  • CraftBukkit 1.6.2 compatibility. Note that support will not be given for MC-1.6-related problems until there is a CraftBukkit-1.6 Beta release.
  • Fixed NPE which sometimes occurred when using ScrollingMenuSign support.

v2.3.3 (2 Jul 2013)

  • CraftBukkit 1.6 compatibility. Note that support will not be given for MC-1.6-related problems until there is a CraftBukkit-1.6 Beta release.
  • Any errors with custom board styles will now be logged much more clearly.
  • ChessCraft now properly tidies up boards and games if a world is unloaded and/or reloaded (by plugins such as Multiverse).

v2.3.2 (7 Jun 2013)

  • Fixed mistake in imports which meant that WorldEdit.jar must be loaded or you got a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sk89q/util/StringUtil exception from ChessCraft. WorldEdit is once again an optional dependency for terrain backup/restore and ChessCraft will function without it.

v2.3.1 (3 Jun 2013)

  • Fixed ConcurrentModificationException when doing /chess reload gamedata
  • Fixed regression in multi-world support; an exception was being thrown for boards on unloaded worlds. Restored correct behaviour: board loading for unloaded worlds is deferred until the world is loaded.
  • Board orientation (clicking the Board Info button or using /chess list board <boardname>) is now displayed as the direction white faces again (recent releases were showing the control panel direction; confusion stemming from the redefinition of compass directions in Minecraft/Bukkit)
  • MySQL database access is now properly multithreaded. No more danger of server lag resulting from slow external databases.

v2.3.0 (3 May 2013)

  • CraftBukkit 1.5.2 and older supported.
  • Added tab completion for all /chess subcommands and arguments. E.g. /chess l<Tab> will auto-expand to /chess list, chess /list <Tab> will cycle through the various items that can be listed (board, game, ai, style, top), and /chess list game <Tab> will cycle through the current games.

v2.2.1 (21 Mar 2013)

  • CraftBukkit 1.5.1 and older supported. Note there is still no beta release for CB 1.5.x at the time of writing.

v2.2.0 (18 Mar 2013)

  • This release will work with CraftBukkit 1.5.x (1.4.7 is also still supported). Note that there is no CB 1.5 beta at the time of writing, and I will not be going out of my way to provide support for running ChessCraft on development releases of CB.
  • Added the ability to specify custom teleport-out destinations, both per-board and a default global destination. Use the /chess tp -set command to set a global destination, and /chess tp -set <board> to set a board-specific destination. See for more information.

v2.1.4 (7 Mar 2013)

  • Performance improvements in various block event checks (avoiding some unnecessary object creation when checking if a given block is inside a chessboard boundary). Will probably not be noticeable on smaller servers, but will save some CPU cycles especially on larger busier servers.
  • Fix: /chess board set overridepiecestyle - overridden piece style was getting lost if the board style was subsequently saved (with /chess board save)
  • Fix: Flight boundaries weren't correctly recalculated if a board's enclosure type was changed from passable to non-passable or vice versa.

v2.1.3 (18 Jan 2013)

  • CraftBukkit 1.4.7 compatibility (will also work on 1.4.6 & older)
  • Fix for UTF-8 encoding problems sometimes seen on Windows, especially with Russian and Chinese locale settings. Enforce UTF-8 loading of messages files (in plugins/ChessCraft/lang) at all times. Russian/Chinese messages still won't display properly on a Windows console, but that's frankly a Windows problem. Messages do now display correctly in-game in all locales and on all tested platforms (Linux/Windows).

v2.1.2 (28 Dec 2012)

  • Fixed "Generated keys not requested" error sometimes seen when saving game results to the database.
  • Added "-r" option to "/chess list top" command, which forces a rebuild of the view tables from the raw results table (this option generally only needed to fix problems, not generally required).
  • This release is supported on CraftBukkit 1.4.5-R1.0 and all 1.4.6 releases.

v2.1.1 (22 Dec 2012)

  • This release is supported on CraftBukkit 1.4.5-R1.0 and all 1.4.6 releases.
  • Old game results (from plugins/data/results/results.db) are now merged into the results DB (SQLite or MySQL), and results.db will be renamed to oldresults.db.
  • Results database enhancement: PGN data for finished games is now logged to the results DB (SQLite or MySQL). Can be disabled with the results.pgn_db setting.
  • Piece designer fixes: persistence is now correctly handled for boards in design mode when the server shuts down, and pieces are correctly drawn if the a new piece style is loaded during design mode.

v2.1.0 (19 Dec 2012)

v2.0.1 (7 Dec 2012)

v2.0.0 (3 Dec 2012)

  • Requires CraftBukkit 1.4.x (1.4.5-R0.2+ suggested). This will not work on 1.3.x.
  • Major rewrite of AI system. It's now possible to talk to external AI engines with the xboard (aka winboard or CECP) protocol, e.g. gnuchess, crafty... This allows for much stronger AI opponents. The built-in (jChecs) AI is still available.
  • AI_settings.yml file format has changed, and should no longer be edited (it contains core definitions). Added new AI.yml file which can be edited to define which AI's are available to the plugin, and what their names should be. See AI for much more information.
  • Pre-existing AI's have been renamed to make it slightly clearer what they are (but you're free to rename them in AI.yml as you please). E.g. "ai01" is now "jcab3" (JChecs, Alpha-Beta search, depth 3)
  • /chess list ai is now much more informative; you can do /chess list ai <ai-name> to get more detail about a particular AI definition.
  • Many more events now have configurable sound and/or visual effects, e.g. piece selected, move cancelled, game won/lost, and more. See Configuration for more information.
  • Flight improvement: captive mode (/chess set flying.captive true) now bounces players back much more smoothly if they try to fly away from the chessboard.
  • Flight improvement: auto-fly mode (/chess set true) now launches players more reliably when they get near enough to a chessboard.
  • There is now a configurable cooldown period on sending open invitations to a chess game (which broadcasts to the whole server). Default is 3 minutes, tunable with the open_invite_cooldown config setting (which is larger than the default auto-delete timeout for not-started games, meaning only one open invitation may be sent per created game by default - you may wish to tune one or both of those parameters to your liking)
  • Added /chess list styles command (shortcut: /chess l s) to show what board and piece styles are available from within the game.
  • The Create Game control panel button now also allows you to choose to play White or Black. Right-click the button to change the desired colour, left-click to create the game with you playing the selected colour. Similarly, the /chess create game command now accepts a -black option to start as Black.
  • The /chess redraw command now only redraws the board you are standing on. Use /chess redraw -all to force all boards to be redrawn, or /chess redraw <board-name> to redraw a specific board.
  • The message pager no longer pages long output, since recent versions of Minecraft make it easy to scroll back with the mouse wheel when the chat window is open. You can restore paging with /chess set pager.lines <page-size> if you want.
  • Added new translation: Portugese Portugese (Brazilian Portugese is already included): /chess set locale pt_pt
  • New setting: ai.lose_on_fail, default false. When false, any unexpected exception (generally caused by a software bug) from the AI will force a draw. If set to true, such exceptions cause the AI to lose the game, and the opponent to win.

v1.4.0 (12 Sep 2012)

  • Move undo: it's now possible to undo your last move with the new "Undo Last Move" control panel button or by typing /chess undo. Restrictions apply: in PvP, the undo request must be accepted by the other player, and in PvAI, undo is only allowed if you're not playing for a stake.
  • Control panel buttons have had a slight rearrangement: Game Info has been moved from top right to centre left (below the Board Info button), Teleport Out has been moved from centre left to bottom centre, and the new Undo Last Move button is now at top right.
  • Add new (Brazilian) Portugese translation: /chess set locale pt_br
  • FIX: the flying.allowed setting wasn't being respected when players logged in on a chessboard
  • FIX: PGN game data now has the right Black player name, and includes the server name in the PGN site field
  • FIX: surrounding terrain should now be correctly re-lit when a board is deleted
  • FIX: fixed bug where control panel signs would sometimes be dropped on the ground when a board is deleted
  • FIX: correctly report lack of permissions to player (who doesn't have chesscraft.basic) instead of logging exception

v1.3.2 (5 Sep 2012)

v1.3.1 (26 Aug 2012)

v1.3.0 (24 Aug 2012)

  • Flight! Players can now fly when on (or sufficiently near - configurable) a chessboard, without needing to be in creative mode. Players get a message when they are close enough to a board to fly, and when they move too far away. See Getting Around the Board.
  • FIX: fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown when a player not in a game clicks a Promotion control panel button. Player now gets a message stating they're not in the game.
  • FIX: now more tolerant about duration string format (e.g. for config settings such as "auto_delete.finished") - strings such as "30sec" (with no space between number and unit) are now accepted where previously an exception was logged.
  • Added option to "/chess list top" to exclude AI players from list: e.g. "/chess list top 10 ladder -ai" shows the top 10 human players on the ladder.
  • Added new Simplified Chinese translation ("/chess set locale zh_cn")
  • Brought German (de_de) translation up to date.

v1.2.1 (9 Aug 2012)

v1.2.0 (8 Aug 2012)

v1.2.0 is mostly identical to 1.1.999, but is built for 1.3.1-R1.0 and contains some thread-safety work related to the AsyncPlayerChatEvent changes in 1.3.1

  • Built for CB 1.3.1-R1.0. This release will NOT work with CB 1.2.5 or earlier.
  • Added the ability to define a default time control on a per-board basis (which overrides the global time_control.default config setting). Also added the ability to lock the time control on a per-board basis. You can now have boards which enforce a particular time control. See default_tc and lock_tc settings in Board Styles.
  • Similar to time controls, it is now possible to lock the board's stake on a per-board basis (defining a default per-board stake has worked since 1.1). See lock_stake setting in Board Styles.
  • Board and game loading is now handled more intelligently if the board's world isn't available at server startup (e.g. multi-world plugin active). Boards will be deferred and loaded if/when the world is loaded (and the board's game, if any, will also be loaded then).
  • Fixed Economy-related NPE sometimes seen on server startup -
  • Fixed NPE and improved usage message for /chess archive (PGN file saving) command.

v1.1.999 (6 Aug 2012)

  • Built for CB 1.3.1 dev releases. This release will NOT work with CB 1.2.5 or earlier.
  • Added the ability to define a default time control on a per-board basis (which overrides the global time_control.default config setting). Also added the ability to lock the time control on a per-board basis. You can now have boards which enforce a particular time control. See default_tc and lock_tc settings in Board Styles.
  • Similar to time controls, it is now possible to lock the board's stake on a per-board basis (defining a default per-board stake has worked since 1.1). See lock_stake setting in Board Styles.
  • Board and game loading is now handled more intelligently if the board's world isn't available at server startup (e.g. multi-world plugin active). Boards will be deferred and loaded if/when the world is loaded (and the board's game, if any, will also be loaded then).
  • Fixed Economy-related NPE sometimes seen on server startup -
  • Fixed NPE and improved usage message for /chess archive (PGN file saving) command.

v1.1.1 (16 Jun 2012)

v1.1.0 (14 Jun 2012)

v1.0.3 (23 Apr 2012)

  • This release is really only of interest to Russian and German language speakers, but there's no problem with everyone else upgrading to it.
  • Added Russian translation (/chess set locale ru_ru). But see the Caveat regarding Cyrillic character display in the 1.0.3 release notes.
  • Minor fix to German (de_de) translation - added one missing message.
  • Message loading code has been simplified somewhat. Attempting to set an invalid locale will now give a user-visible error "Unknown locale ..." and leave the locale setting unchanged. Previously the locale was changed, but the default locale was used and a warning message was logged to server.log.

v1.0.2 (20 Apr 2012)

v1.0.1 (19 Apr 2012)

  • Fixed exception when trying to port onto pieces (shift-click) if WorldEdit not installed

v1.0.0 (19 Apr 2012)

  • Built against CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0. Running this against earlier CB releases is not supported.
  • Added a piece designer - design your own chess set! See Piece Designer.
  • Added new "huge" (15x35x15) board & piece style, created by myself (desht) with piece designer. You can create boards using this style with "/chess create board <board-name> -style huge".
  • With kind permission, added Yazpanda's amazing board & piece style (27x60x27) !, "yazpanda", imported with the help of the piece designer. See . You will *need* a fast server and client to play with this set at its best, and even then expect some lag when creating and deleting boards/games due to the sheer quantity of blocks (millions) being manipulated.
  • Shift-clicking any targeted piece will now teleport you onto that piece. This is very useful for larger sets, though perhaps less so for the "standard" (3x6x3) set, especially if the board has a roof.
  • If you are standing on a piece when it moves, you will now be moved with it (see effects.piece_riding config setting). Good news for Harry Potter fans!
  • Audible tones are now played when a move is made and/or you are placed in check (see effects.move_alert & effects.check_alert).
  • An explosion sound effect is now played when a piece is captured (see effects.capture_explosion)
  • If the AI encounters an unrecoverable exception it will now abandon the game, resulting in a draw. The game's result will not be logged.
  • The "Invite Player" control panel button will now prompt you to type a player's name in chat instead of just giving you the /invite usage information.
  • The "wand_item" config setting can be set to "*" to allow any item to be held when playing.
  • "/chess tp <board-name> -b" will allow you to port between boards (provided you have the chesscraft.commands.teleport permission node).
  • Adding "teleporting" config setting to globally enable/disable all teleporting between boards with the control panel "Teleport Out" button or the "/chess tp" command (it does not affect teleporting around a board by clicking)
  • Added German translation ("/chess set locale de_de") - thanks @baemboo.
  • Some in-game messages (e.g. move notifications) are now more terse, only using one line of chat.
  • Waving at a board square to port to it now works silently. To see the old "Square [a1], board board1" messages, hold shift while clicking.
  • Considerable code streamlining - reduced CPU and memory usage.

v0.5.2 (1 Mar 2012)

  • CraftBukkit 1.1-R5 compatibility.

v0.5.1 (6 Feb 2012)

  • If you use portal blocks as part of board styles (e.g. the enclosure), they will no longer send you to the nether.
  • Catch & warn about exceptions thrown by economy plugins when trying to format currencies. Not sure under what circumstances this actually happens, but we don't want other plugins preventing ChessCraft from starting up.
  • ScrollingMenuSign integration: SMS menus are now created with a "cc_" prefix, not "cc:" (Windows doesn't like colons in file names). Any existing views you have will be auto-renamed too, no user action required.
  • The chesscraft.commands.board.set and nodes are now included in the chesscraft.basic & chesscraft.admin parent nodes. Overlooked that in 0.5.
  • pom.xml fix to ensure all resource files are correctly copied.

v0.5 (1 Feb 2012)

  • Recommended CraftBukkit 1.1-R3 (build 1846). ChessCraft 0.5 will not work with releases earlier than CB 1.1-R1.
  • ChessCraft now uses the Vault plugin for economy support. The Register plugin is no longer required at all.
  • Added time controls: specify a time limit for the game, time limit for each move, or more complex "rollover" limits (e.g. "40 moves in 60 minutes, then 20 moves in 60 minutes ...")
  • Added ability to change (most) board style parameters on the fly, and to save new board styles with your updated style parameters (style parameters affecting board dimensions cannot be changed after a board has been created).
  • Chess board lighting no longer handled by peppering the board with glowstone at night - boards should now stay at a constant light level all day round.
  • Chess board and piece drawing is now *much* faster and lighter on the server (thanks @bergerkiller for some great optimisation advice). Memory usage for the plugin should be slightly lower too.
  • Significant internal code cleanup and streamlining. Now uses Bukkit 1.1 event model for improved performance.
  • Board and game save files (under plugins/ChessCraft/data) have changed format slightly (to take advantage of the Bukkit serialization API), but will be auto-migrated to the new v0.5 format. Migration has been well-tested but if you're really paranoid, finish any games in progress before upgrading to 0.5.
  • Now uses Maven to build the project.

v0.4.1 (26 Sep 2011)

  • Added Spanish (es_ES) translation.
  • Control panel buttons (clocks, ply count, half move clock) now support titles over 2 lines (needed for e.g. Spanish translation of "Half-move Clock")

v0.4 (22 Sep 2011)

  • Supported on CraftBukkit 1060 (MC 1.7.3) and 1185 (MC 1.8.1).
  • Board rotation now supported - board orientation is decided by player orientation when created (north/east/south/west)
  • Messages are now customizable and stored in external message file - new config option "locale" for language file to use. Allows for translated messages.
  • Added game results logging. Results are stored in plugins/ChessCraft/results/results.db, a SQLite database. There are league and ladder leaderboard views, using the new "/chess list top ..." command
  • ScrollingMenuSign integration - create some useful menus of boards and games which can be viewed via signs or maps
  • Catch & ignore IllegalState exception from player.getTargetBlock() - should reduce messages in the server log, since this exception is harmless
  • Latest version of Register included - meaning iConomy v6 now works
  • It is now possible to use the jChecs opening book for AI players - see "ai.use_opening_book" config item.
  • Added "autostart" config item - can make the game start as soon as two players have joined
  • Various durations (timeouts etc.) in the config file can now be specified with more unit types, not just as number of seconds
  • Waving at a board square while on that board and holding the wand item (default: empty hand) now teleports you to that square - allows for easier movement around the board
  • Added "auto_delete.running" config item, default 1 week - running games which have not had a move within this period will be deleted. Prevents games being started and then abandoned forever.

v0.3.4 (9 Sep 2011)

  • Fixed a potential problem with thread safety in the AI. Hopefully fixes some odd exceptions which a few people have seen.

v0.3.3 (1 Aug 2011)

  • Fixed a nasty bug relating to persistence - saved games were not correctly reloaded (board and game state were inconsistent)

v0.3.2 (30 Jul 2011)

  • Fixed (hopefully) NPE reported by @Joy in the entity listener

v0.3.1 (29 July 2011)

  • Fixed (hopefully) NoSuchMethod exception that some people would see.
  • Removed a spurious "in thaw" debug statement that was appearing on the console.

v0.3 (29 Jul 2011)

  • ChessCraft is now licensed under the GPLv3 due to inclusion of GPL'd third party software.
  • Chesspresso library is now shipped as part of ChessCraft. No need for a separate download any more.
  • AI player support! Using thejchecsengine. AI pseudo-players can be invited to games. Multiple AI definitions with difficulty configurable by the server admin (see AI_settings.yml). Maximum number of concurrent AI games can be limited to protect CPU resources (default: 3).
  • Economy support: iConomy, legacy iConomy and BOSeconomy all supported. Players can set a stake on game creation (before another player is invited). Game winner takes double.
  • WorldEdit support. If WorldEdit is available, terrain is automatically saved when a board is created, and restored when the board is deleted.
  • Expanded and improved the control panel. More buttons to make game management easier, buttons now "grey out" if they're not applicable to the current game state.
  • Control panel can be made of a different material from the board frame now (optional "panel" setting in board style file)
  • Last-move highlighting, with configurable styles (part of the board style). Highlight the from and to squares of the last piece movedwith configurable material (default glowstone). Styles are corners (mark square corners), edges (mark all edges of the squares), checkerd/chequered (mark squares with chequerboard pattern), line (draw line between the two squares), and none.
  • Included @jascotty2's "large" 7x7 board & piece style.
  • Players on chessboards are by default immune to all damage (falling, burning, monster attacks, pvp...), and also unable to cause any damage. Configurable - see settings in config.yml.
  • Restructured data persistence files, no longer in a single persist.yml file. Existing data from v0.2 will be seamlessly migrated, no user intervention needed. All persisted data is now under the plugins/ChessCraft/data/ directory.
  • Deprecated right-click to move pieces has been removed. Arm-wave with configurable item (default: empty hand) is now the only way.
  • Players will be automatically displaced out of the way of chess pieces that are placed on them to avoid being entombed.
  • Players can now do "/chess delete game ..." on games they created if the game is not yet started and there is no other player.
  • Player are allowed to resign even if it's not their turn.
  • Boards are now redrawn when the plugin loads to ensure they are consistent with the game data.
  • Games will now auto-delete if not started within a configurable time window (default 3 minutes).
  • Fixed item duping issues when using piece styles with items like torches, ladders, etc.
  • Significant internal code restructure and cleanup.
  • @jascotty2 is now a major contributor - significant parts of this release are thanks to him!

v0.2.2 (18 Jul 2011)

  • Fixed a problem with en passant moves for Black
  • Fixed a problem with queen's side castling (was checking for King move to B file instead of C file - /facepalm)
  • Included twist.yml piece style by @ppp
  • When creating boards, you can now also add a '-pstyle <style>' option to override the board's default piece style. Should reduce the need to create new board definitions just to try out a different piece style.

v0.2.1 (13 Jul 2011)

  • Plugin was telling everyone what chess games they were in on login, even if they had none. Now only tells you if you are actually in one or more games.

v0.2 (13 Jul 2011)

  • Piece selection/moving has changed: now pieces are selected & moved by waving a wand item (new config item wand_item, default is empty hand) with left-click. Much more usable, since it can be done from a distance - less running about the board needed. Right-click still works but is deprecated and will print a warning every time it's used. Right-click will be removed in the next release.
  • Control panel on the side of each board with chess clock, to-play indicator, halfmove clock display, ply count display, and a set of buttons to make a lot of the /chess commands easier to use (e.g. you can now create a game on the board with one click).
  • More visible notification if you've been placed in check.
  • When you join a game, you can now be automatically teleported to it (new config item auto_teleport_on_join, default true).
  • If a player logs out, their opponent may claim victory by default after a configurable delay (new config item forfeit_timeout, default 60 seconds).
  • Board lighting is now checked once per second by default, not once per 10 seconds. The same task also updates chess clocks on each board.
  • Implemented the 50-move rule (game is drawn if no pawn moves & no captures in the last 50 moves - see the halfmove clock on the control panel).
  • Various minor tweaks & bug fixes.

v0.1.1 (8 Jul 2011)

  • Fixed a logic error which was mistakenly treating any move into row 1 as a pawn promotion move.

v0.1 (4 Jul 2011)

  • Initial release


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