


This is a simple plugin that adds in a few features to your server. Ingame info can be shown with /chattools. It adds announcements, and the ability to clear the chat. To change the announcements open the config file and you will have options to edit the delay between announcements, the announcement prefix, the announcements, and the number of announcements. To clear the chat you type /cc and that clears the chat if you have permission. To clear YOUR chat type /ci, again if you have permission. If a user uses a blocked word they will face consequences that are configurable. Users with certain permissions will be notified. To add a blocked word you can directly edit words.yml then type /ct reload or you can type /ct addword <word> and /ct removeword <word>. Announcements and warning commands can be managed ingame with /ct an and /ct warn. Players that use too many caps without the permission 'ct.allowcaps' will have their capitalized words made lowercase.


Here is an example of a config file with instructions.


#Disables the auto updating feature
auto-update: false

#Delay Between Announcements in Minutes
an-delay: 5
#Prefix for Announcements
an-prefix: '&4[&6Announcement&6]&c'

#Add more as you wish
- 'This Server Runs ChatTools by JGSBroadcast'
- 'Clear your chat with /ci!'
- 'Clear the entire chat with /cc!'
- 'Type /ct for version info'
- 'Type /ct help for more features from ChatTools!'

#Blocked Words
#Replaces Blocked Words with asterisks, *s
star-blocked-words: true
#The Commands the Console will run in consecutive order based
#on the players warnings. Add more commands to add more warnings.
#Use %player% to replace the players name.
- 'kick %player% Use appropriate language'
- 'mute %player% 5m'
- 'tempban %player% 1d'

This is all explained in the config file.


Permission Description Default
ct.* All ChatTools permissions. op
ct.reload Allows players to reload the config op
ct.clearchat Allows players to clear the server chat op
ct.clearownchat Allows players to clear their own chat true
ct.allowcaps Allows players to use caps op
ct.announcements.* All announcement permissions. op
ct.announcements.manage Gives ability to add or remove announcements op
ct.announcements.bypass Makes player exempt from announcements false
ct.blockedwords.* All blocked words permissions. op
ct.blockedwords.bypass Makes player exempt from announcements op
ct.blockedwords.notify Gives ability to receive notifications when someone uses a blocked word op
ct.blockedwords.nowarnings Disables warning for a player op
ct.blockedwords.add Gives ability to add blocked words op
ct.blockedwords.remove Gives ability to remove blocked words op
ct.blockedwords.managewarnings Gives ability to add or remove warning commands op



This plugin has an implemented auto updating feature. You can disable it in the config. If disabled it will still check for updates but it will not download them. When enabled it automatically downloads them.


This plugin utilizes Hidendra's PluginMetrics for anonymously collecting usage stats. If you want to disable it go to plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and set the value of 'opt-out:' to true. Metrics

Click here to view the Metrics Page.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 9, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jan 12, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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