


ChatHighlighter highlights the mention of anyone's name, whether it be partial or complete, and either displays it to everyone or just the mentioned player.


/chat reloadReload ChatHighlighter


Permissions nodeDescription
chat.highlightAllows players to see their names highlighted
chat.adminAllows players to reload ChatHighlighter


  • ChatHighlighter's more prominent feature is its ability to search through each message and return the exact partition taking into consideration the minimum number of characters to search for. This is possible using an algorithm I designed myself, and is available and explained here
  • Choose to use displayname for the sender - if this is set to true, the name of the sender will appear the same, copying over any color formatting; if set to false, it will use the sender's exact name without color formatting, allowing you to create a custom format under the format section.
  • Format the appearance of the sender and receiver in chat
  • Choose whether to broadcast all highlights to all players, or just the receivers
  • Highlight all player names who are mentioned.
  • Play a sound when a name is mentioned



When formatting, any color code can be used, as demonstrated in the template configuration file that is generated when the plugin is first loaded. Note that you must use @sender in the sender section and @receiver in the receiver section, to refer to the names of the players.


When you want to use a sound if a player name is mentioned, you must set play to true in the sound section. Any sound in Minecraft can be used; refer to the sound name in the sound section. A list of available sounds can be viewed here NOTE: when you enter a sound name, you can enter it lower case and without underscores (as demonstrated in the template configuration file), however, what you enter MUST be translatable to one of the sound names in the bukkit docs.

For example, 'note piano' is translated to NOTE_PIANO, which will be picked up by bukkit. However, 'note pianooo' is translated to NOTE_PIANOOO, which will not be picked up by bukkit.

Example Configuration

  minimum: 4
  announce: false
  sender-displayname: false
    play: true
    sound: 'note piano'
    sender: '&a@sender > '
    receiver: '&a@receiver'

This will search for a username of length 4 or more characters long in player messages. It won't announce it to everyone on the server, it will just send it to the player whose name is mentioned. When the player sees this message, my name (the sender) will be shown in the color Green. If use-displayname is set to true, since the color for the admin group is red on my server, my name will show as red instead. It will play a noteblock piano sound to the player.

Remember, for the name of the sender, use @sender. For the name of the receiver, use @receiver.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 14, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Mar 24, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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