
CellMod allows users to have a virutal cell phone in Minecraft. Users may send each other messages by using that cell phone. To use the cell phone though, users must first have service or be within a certain distance of a tower. If a user is within a certain distance of a tower, they will have service. The plugin also includes a "911" feature, that allows players to send a message to on online admins and the admin can see the player's name and phone number, as well as the message, even without having service.

A quick update has been released to support newer versions of CB. The latest release requires Vault instead of Register. At this time, I don't plan on continued support of this plugin.


  • Private user-to-user messaging.
  • Tower Signal Strength Indicator.
  • Requires "cell service" to send or receive texts.
  • Support for PermissionsEx/SuperPerms and Most Economies (Vault).
  • Emergency contact option for players to contact admins and for admins to contact players.
  • Users are assigned numbers (can be changed once) to use to contact each other.
  • Phonebook listing of all phone numbers
  • SQLite/MySQL Support
  • Multiple Carriers
  • Messaging Plans


/ct - Mark a block as a "tower" /cell - Pull out your cell phone, and check signal /send [phone number] [message] Send a text message /number [4 digit number] - Changes your phone number /em [message] - Sends a message to all online administrators for emergency use. /directory - Lists all online users phone numbers /plan - Shows your current messaging plan /carrier - Shows information about your carrier /carrier create [name] - Create a new carrier

Configuration: All configuration options are stored in /plugins/CellMod/config.properties, tower-material is the item id of the material that cell towers should be made of. show-at-login is a true/false boolean, that controls if CellMod shows up at user join. network-name is the name of the cell network, shown on any command.

Permission Nodes: cellmod.createcarrier - Permission to create a cell towers and carriers. cellmod.use - Permission to use cell phone. cellmod.changenumber - Permission to change number. cellmod.destroy - Permission to destroy cell towers and their blocks. cellmod.emcontact - Permission to receive all 911 messages from players.


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