Commands and permissions

Values in angle brackets <> are required.

Values in square brackets [] are optional values. If not provided, default values will be used.

Note: Radius is in chunks. If you type /cborder set 15, It'll create border of size 30 chunks + 1 you are standing on = 31 chunks = 496 blocks

/cborder set <radius> [world] [x] [z]cborder.setSets border with <radius> for [world] with center at [x] [z]. If no provided, [world] [x] and [z] are based on command sender current location.
/cborder remove [world]cborder.removeRemoves border for specified world. If no provided, current player world will be used.
/cborder infocborder.infoShows radius and center of the border
/cborder selectedcborder.selectedSets border to your current WorldEdit selection


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